Benchmark History Report

Benchmark History Report

The Benchmark History report displays the benchmark history for composites as well as the composites constituents and their benchmark history over the user defined date range or as of a specific date. See the following figure.
The report includes columns for Composite ID, Composite Name, Entity ID, Entity Name, Primary Benchmark Name, Effective Date, and allows you to add additional columns. For general information about running and using the report, see Use the Composite Monitor.

The following table describes the report parameters you can select.





Date Range

You can submit the report for a user defined date range or as of a specific date. Options include:

  • As of. This option allows you to determine the benchmark assignments for a composite and its constituents as of a specific effective date.

  • Between. This option supports any date to any date and allows you to view the historical benchmark assignments for the a composite and its constituents throughout the date range. 

    Note that when you use the Between date option, the report shows all of the constituents included in the composite at any point in the date range. The Start Date and End Date columns in the report apply to the constituent's membership in the composite. The Effective Date column corresponds to the date that a benchmark was assigned to an entity.

  • From the Date Rule. You can further customize the date by using a Date Range rule.


The Entity Selector allows you to run the report for one specified Performance Composite (ACOM).


You can use the Field Selection dialog box to add additional fields as report columns and change the order of report columns. 
The report can include entity fields for the benchmarks. The Field Selection dialog box identifies default fields with a blue field icon.