Use the Composite Approval Module

Use the Composite Approval Module

The Composite Approval module, located in the Performance Center, is used to display the results from executing the Performance Composite Builder.

The Composite Approval module simplifies the review and approval process of composites with a large volume of membership changes. Composite Approval is designed to support the expansive build options, such as using/not using the auto-update database, builds/rebuilds, and executing them for a single date or a date range.

Configure Performance Composite Inclusion/Exclusion Logic

It is important to consider and select the appropriate Performance Composite Inclusion/Exclusion Logic for your GIPS workflow prior to running any builds or using Composite Approval. The Performance System Parameter setting is available because it allows you to customize the composite inclusion/exclusion date logic for Performance composites.

To access this, from any Eagle window click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator. Enter System in the Start Search text box. Click the System Parameters (Performance Center) link. You see the Performance Center with the System Parameters workspace opened.

The Performance Composite Inclusion/Exclusion logic settings are Monthly Mode (1 = Enabled) and Default Mode (0 = Disabled). Both settings support composite builds regardless of whether or not the Auto-Update database is enabled. Both settings also support new builds, rebuilds, single date builds, and date range builds. The Performance System Parameter setting of 1 for Monthly Mode sets all constituent Start/Stop Dates in ENTITY_RANGE_DETAILS to the first day of the month for the composite.

In this mode, Approved (see Using the Composite Approval Module") changes during any day during the month are automatically pushed back to the first day of the current month. As a result, the Start Date and Stop Dates are always the first of the month for all membership changes. This ensures that constituents are entered and removed from a composite for the full month.

Conversely, the System Parameter setting of 0 for Default Mode sets all constituent Start/Stop dates to the actual Effective Date that they are approved in ENTITY_RANGE_DETAILS for the composite. It is worth noting that the default setting is 0, but can be altered during implementation.

The Performance Composite builder logic is integral in supporting Monthly Mode and Default Mode. It is important to consider the following:

  • It is strongly recommended that once the Performance System Parameter option is selected, it must not be changed and must be applied to all Performance composites.

  • All pending records must have an Approved status prior to implementing an upgrade to the 9.1 version of Composite Approval.

  • It is strongly recommended that the 9.1 version of Composite Approval is implemented at the start of a new month.

  • The Composite Build engine uses the Performance System cache to read for the Monthly/Default Mode. This cache refreshes every two minutes, so if the setting is changed, you need to wait approximately 2 to 5 minutes before executing any builds.

  • Performance composite builds fail for a composite or a list of composites if there are any records stored in ENTITY_RANGE_DETAILS for a date other than the first of the month with Monthly Mode enabled. As a result, the Monthly Mode setting must not be changed during the month.

  • The inception date check logic interrogates the inception date of constituents prior to interrogating composite criteria. In Monthly Mode, the build engine interrogates the inception date of entities first and then determines if the inception date is before the start of the month (Inception Date <= Last Month End). In Default Mode, the build engine interrogates the inception date of entities first, then determines if the inception date is before the effective date (Inception Date <= Build Effective Date).

  • Performance composite builds fail if a single date build is submitted for a date prior to a date where records are stored in ENTITY_RANGE_DETAILS for the submitted entity.

  • Performance composite builds fail if a single date build is submitted for a date prior to the date of a completed build, and when pending and/or approved records exist for the completed build date for the submitted entity.

  • Performance composite builds fail if a single date build is submitted for a date after the date of a completed build, and when pending records exist for the completed build date for the submitted entity.

Open the Composite Approval Module

As mentioned, the Composite Approval module is located in the Performance Center. The module is designed to simplify the review and approval process of composites with a large volume of membership changes. The composite approval functionality is primarily used when the auto-update database option is not enabled.

To access the Composite Approval module, from any Eagle window click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator. Enter Composite in the Start Search text box. Click the Composite Approval (Performance Center) link. The Performance Center opens and you see the Composite Approval workspace. The main menu shown in the following figure provides three tabs to assist in the process of finalizing composite membership:

  • The Pending Approvals tab displays the membership changes in pending status as a result of a single build or a series of builds and/or rebuilds for specified composites.

  • The Approval Report tab displays the records in approved and/or rejected status for specified composites.

  • The Rebuild Removal History tab displays the records that were deleted if the selected composite was redefined through the rebuild process.

Composite Approval Menu

Defining Composites and Dates

The Define dialog box is used to determine the composites and the dates to be analyzed during the approval process. The Define dialog box shown in the following figure allows you to specify the As of date for the Pending Approvals as well as the Date Range for Approval Report.

Define Dialog Box

The As of Date for Pending Approvals date selector at the top of the Define dialog box displays all of the pending records for the selected performance composites on the Pending Approvals tab.

For example, if you execute monthly builds or rebuilds for 10/31/2013, 11/30/2013, and 12/31/2013, the Auto-Update Database is not enabled and an "As of" date of 12/31/2013is selected, then all of the pending records for 10/31/1981 through 12/31/1981 display in the Pending Approvals tab. The date range selector in the middle of the Define screen (Date Range for Approval Report) displays all of the Approved/Rejected records for the selected composites. For example, if you enter 10/31/2013- 12/31/2013 for the date range, all of the records within that date range are displayed on the Approval Report tab.

The ability to display all of the membership changes from the builds over a date range supports daily, monthly, quarterly, and/or annual workflow processes. The entity selector at the bottom of the screen allows you to analyze specific Performance composites or show the results for all Performance composites. Click Save on the Define dialog box, then click Submit from the main Composite Approval window to populate both the Pending Approvals and Approval report.