Report Firm Assets Under Management

Report Firm Assets Under Management

GIPS requires that firms provide the total assets under management (AUM) on compliant presentations. The firm's total firm assets are equal to the aggregate market value of all discretionary and nondiscretionary assets under management within the defined firm. The Composite Analysis report has specific fields for reporting Firm Assets and Percentage of Firm Assets figures in the report. These fields are found in the Composite Performance Analysis field category.

There are two approaches for reporting on Firm Assets for a composite:

  • Performance Based Data Approach. Most robust method where you define the Firm as an ACOM, calculate Firm Assets for the Firm based on enumeration of composites, and store Firm Assets amount at the Total level in Performance tables. This approach:

    • Allows you to report historical changes in Firm membership

    • Allows you to report AUM for multiple firms in the same report

    • Allows you to convert AUM from the Firm's base currency to the composite's base currency

    • Offers a key benefit—the ease it offers in using Eagle to calculate Firm AUM

  • Entity Based Data Approach. Robust method where you define the Firm as an ACOM, and store Firm Assets amount historically at the Firm level. This approach:

    • Allows you to report historical changes in Firm membership

    • Allows you to report AUM for multiple firms in the same report

    • Allows you to convert AUM from the Firm's base currency to the composite's base currency

The approach you select affects the way in which you configure the system and set up the Composite Performance Analysis fields used in the report. The following sections describe how to configure the system and set up the Composite Analysis report when using each approach.