Understand GIPS Composite Management

Understand GIPS Composite Management

The GIPS Composite Management component of Eagle's Performance Measurement solution provides the tools to help you maintain your compliance with Global Investment Performance Council (GIPS) standards and efficiently manage large volumes of composite performance data. With GIPS Composite Management you can:

  • Maintain composite/constituent relationships automatically to manage large numbers of portfolios with various mandates that change over time.

  • Define portfolio inclusion rules that accommodate the nuances of your specific composite membership criteria, such as minimum market value.

  • Store constituent level data such as strategy, investment discretion, and tax policy.

  • Review and approve composite assignments for composites with a large volume of membership changes.

  • Create manager composites for internal incentive purposes.

  • Perform "what if" dynamic creation of composites to evaluate composite construction.

  • Produce standard auditor verification reports, and detailed, easy to read, audit logs that reflect changes to your composites.

  • Provide composite information to do analysis versus peer group universes.

  • Calculate equal-weighted and/or size-weighted composite returns and return dispersion.

  • Generate presentation-quality reports that describe composite performance, and incorporate footnotes and disclosure statements within your reports.