Composite Analysis Statistic Fields

Composite Analysis Statistic Fields

Only the return field needs to be set for High Return, Low Return, Median Return, Equal Weighted Return or Equal Weighted Standard Deviation fields. See the following figure.

High, Low, Mean, and Median Value fields can also be created to calculate, for example, the average portfolio Market Value or ABAL within a composite for the period. These fields can be used for non-return data that would be as-of a point in time and not require geometric linking. See the following figure.

Return Average Portfolio Balance BOP or EOP

For Best and Worst Quartile/Decile/Percentile statistic calculations, set the Return field and the Percentile options as shown in the following figure.

The field type can be set to return the Best or Worst quintile returns using the Preset options listed in the following table.


Equates to

Result Best

Result Worst


Equates to

Result Best

Result Worst

1st Decile Return


Top 10%

Bottom 10%

1st Quartile Return


Top 25%

Bottom 25%

3rd Quartile Return


Top 75%

Bottom 75%

9th Decile Return


Top 90%

Bottom 90%

Median Return

Middle Return (50%)

You can also create custom Quartile, Decile, and Percentile fields where you set the percentile values.

To do this, set the type to Custom and specify the percentile value.

Map a return field and a Weight field to calculate the Best and Worst Quartile Dollar Dispersion. An example is shown in the following figure.

Return Worst Quartile Dollar Dispersion for Composite

Composite membership fields like the number of funds added or removed over the period can be added to the report.