Work with MPC Engines

Work with MPC Engines

This section describes tasks that you perform for MPC engines.

Schedule the MPC Preprocessor Engine

The MPC Preprocessor engine can be scheduled using the Data Steward Maintain Events to run at any predefined interval. The preprocessor launches the MPC Calculation engines, so it is not necessary to schedule the individual calculation engines, the preprocessor takes care of that. See the following figure in Maintain Events for the MPC event definition.

MPC Preprocessor Engine

Monitor the Engine Status

The status of MPC events can be monitored through the DataSteward Event Queue. The following figure shows the MPC Engine Names in Event Queue. You see the MPC Preprocessor engine as well as each individual MPC Calculation engine.

DataSteward Event Queue

MPC Engine Grouping in DataSteward Event Queue

In the DataSteward, MPC Calculation engines appear in a grouping under the MPC Preprocessor engine in the Event Queue. See the following figure.

A plus sign appears next to the MPC Preprocessor engine entry. The following figure shows the MPC Preprocessor and MPC Calculation Engine in Event Queue. Doubleclicking the + displays all the MPC Calculation engines that were spawned by that preprocessor.

Refresh the Field Cache in MPC Engines

To include new fields, PACE reports automatically refresh the field cache on the PACE engine at the start of each execution. The MPC does this same refresh at the beginning of the preprocessor and as each calculation engine is spawned. This avoids the problem wherein an MPC field requires a newly created performance Field Attribute that was not updated in the PACE engine field cache.