Create and Maintain MPC Rules and Fields

Create and Maintain MPC Rules and Fields

The Multiperiod Performance Calculator Rules window allows you to create and maintain MPC rules and MPC fields. It is designed for administrators who need to configure the MPC process and make changes as necessary, and is not intended for general end user access. The following figure shows the Multiperiod Performance Calculator window. 

Multiperiod Performance Calculator Rules window

The MPC window is divided into two sections: the toolbar and the rule list.

On this page

About the Toolbar

The toolbar at the top of the window allows you to create, edit, delete, and submit MPC rules among other things. The rule list is found just below the toolbar and allows you to select a rule to edit, submit, or delete. The following figure shows the Multiperiod Performance Calculator toolbar.

The toolbar provides the options described in the following table.




Opens the MPC Rule Wizard that allows you to create a new MPC Rule.


Opens the MPC Rule Wizard for the MPC Rule that has been selected in the rule list. Double-clicking a rule in the rule list provides the same functionality.


Deletes the rule currently selected in the rule list.


Submits the rule currently selected in the rule list for processing.


Submits the rule currently selected in the rule list for processing to update all MPC data for all entities from inception forward.


Prints a list of MPC Rules.


Reloads the list of MPC Rules. This is helpful when more than one user is creating MPC Rules.

About the MPC Rule Wizard

A Multiperiod Performance Calculator rule provides the input parameters to the calculator. More than one rule is permitted, enabling multi-site or multi-business unit implementations to maintain different calculator settings for each site or unit. Each entity/source/dictionary/starting frequency combination is maintained by one MPC rule. Having multiple MPC rules working on the same entity/ entity/source/dictionary/starting frequency combination prohibits the MPC rules from detecting changes to the PERFORM database.

Enter General Parameters

The general parameter in Step 1 of the MPC rule wizard are shown in the following figure.
Example of MPC rule wizard general parameter

The parameters for each rule are described in the following table.



Rule name

Name of rule.


Description or free-form comments for the rule.


Determines which source the calculator reads and writes to. The feed type PRF must be available. This is a source not a Source Rule.

Performance Model

Determines the performance model to calculate. Only one dictionary may be specified per rule.

Performance Model Level

Determines the lowest dictionary levels to calculate. The default is to process the model at the total-level only.

Starting frequency

Determines the starting frequency, which is Daily or Monthly. If Daily is selected, all information is maintained from daily "D" records up. If Monthly is selected, daily "D" information is ignored, and all information is maintained from monthly "M" records up. Daily starting frequencies can maintain daily, monthly, quarterly, and yearly frequencies. Monthly starting frequencies can only maintain monthly, quarterly, and yearly frequencies.

Close Date Field

Entity field attribute used to determine if the entity is closed and processing should be bypassed. If the current date is greater than the entity close date, the calculator skips that entity.

Locked Values(s)

Determines the value to look for in the locked record column on PERF_SUMMARY. Performance data is not updated for records that are locked. For flexibility, the values listed are generated from the code list named Multi-Period Perf Calc Lock Values.

Enter Entity Parameters

The entity parameters in Step 2 of the MPC rule wizard are shown in the following figure.
Example of MPC rule wizard entity parameters

Entity parameters include the following:

  • Included Entity Types or Entities. By default, the calculator runs for all entities. You can override this default and select specific entities or entity types to use.
  • Excluded Entity Types or Entities. This option allows you to override included entities and exclude certain entities or entity types. This allows you to exclude benchmark entities from being processed or a particular equity fund when the equity fund list was selected in the Included Entities area.

Field Parameters

Multiperiod Performance Calculator fields comprise the list of MPC fields that must be maintained by the rule. The rule field parameters in Step 3 of the MPC rule wizard are shown in the following figure.
Example of MPC rule field parameters

Derived Frequency Parameters

The derived frequency parameters in Step of the MPC rule wizard are shown in the following figure.
MPC rule wizard derived frequency parameters

  • Selected Derived Frequencies. Determines the additional frequencies that need to be maintained by the Multiperiod Performance Calculator. For example, build monthly, quarterly, and/or annual frequency records from dailies.

If the starting frequency is daily, then monthly, quarterly, and yearly are options here. However if the starting period is monthly then quarterly, and yearly are the only options. The result fields in the derived frequency are updated after detecting a change in an MPC field.

  • Use Business Calendar for Derived Frequencies. If you select the Use business calendar for derived frequencies check box, Eagle Performance uses the entity level business calendar for the entity, if it is available, to count the returns in the period and compare them to the business days in the business calendar; otherwise, it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar for this purpose. It also uses the business calendar to select the begin date to calculate and commit the derived frequency return, such as Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly. If you clear this check box, the business calendar is not used.
  • Derived Base Field Operations. Determines the operation to apply to the base field in the derived record. The derived field operations and their descriptions are listed below:
Derived Field OperationsDescription
NoneDoes not update the Base field column of the derived frequency.
Beginning ValueRetrieves the underlying Base field value for the first day/month/quarter of the period and stores the value in the Base field column of the derived frequency.
Ending ValueRetrieves the underlying Base field value for the last day/month/quarter of the period and stores the value in the Base field column of the derived frequency.
Percent ReturnLinks the growth rate of all underlying Base field values and stores the linked value in the Base field column of the derived frequency. If only one observation is found, it is not converted to and from growth rate. Converting to and from a growth rate with one observation can cause a loss of insignificant digits.
SumSums all underlying Base field values and stores the summed value in the Base field column of the derived frequency. 

Derived frequency business calendar check returns a NULL if data for one of the business dates is missing. This applies to the base field in the derived frequency (for example, Total Return), not the result field in the derived frequency (for example, QTD Total Return).
The result fields in the derived frequency uses the values calculated on the last business day.
The result field business calendar check in the starting frequency looks for missing business days prior to the first day with return data. This happens only in the first month, quarter, or year. For example, 1/1/2000 is a business day with missing returns and 1/2/2000 is a business day with returns. The MTD return on 1/2/2000 is nulled out.
The two options are as follows:

  • Determines if the derived field operations should check to ensure that the data is available for all business days. If all data is not available a null value is stored in the derived frequency's Base field.
  • Determines the last day of the period for which a derived frequency record is created/maintained.