Performance System Parameters Descriptions
The following table describes the Performance System Parameters.
Sys Item | Name and Description |
1 | Autoperf Master Profile Report Profile Instance. Previously used in Autoperf processing. You now use the Auto Performance option to specify the Master Profile instance. |
2 | Autoperf Master Profile Report Profile Name. Previously used in Autoperf processing. You now use the Auto Performance option to specify the Master Profile name. |
3 | ENTITY_COMMIT_CHECK Flag (Yes/No). |
4 | PERF_SEC_RETURNS ENTITY_ID Partitioning Flag (Yes/No). |
5 | Timeout for Parallel Commit Process (minutes). |
6 | Default rows per page in Performance Commit Journal Views. |
7 | Max rows per page limit in Performance Commit Journal Views. |
8 | Annualization: Annualization method (Default/Days/Months). The system wide annualization method for annualizing returns. Options include Default, Days, Months. |
9 | Annualization: Numerator for annualization based on days (365). Identifies the numerator of the annualization factor when annualizing based on days. This setting applies to the Days method only. |
10 | Enable Performance Composite Build Reason Codes (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled). Activates reason codes used to generate comments in the Performance Composite entity build process. |
11 | Maximum number of Key rate Duration points for Fixed Income Attribution. In Eagle's Fixed Income Attribution model, specifies the default maximum number of key rate duration points. |
12 | MFP Convertible Anniversary Period - Use NULL or non zero positive integer. Used in Retail Fund Performance for convertible returns processing. For more information, see the Retail Fund Performance User Guide. |
13 | MFP Convertible Anniversary Frequency - Use NULL, D (for Days), M (for Months), or Y (Years). Used in Retail Fund Performance for convertible returns processing. For more information, see the Retail Fund Performance User Guide. |
14 | MFP Conversion Date Baseline - Use Null (same as anniversary) 0 (next day), 1 (first day next month), 2 (month end of following month) or 3 (day adjusted month end of following month). Used in Retail Fund Performance for convertible returns processing. For more information, see the Retail Fund Performance User Guide. |
15 | MFP Conversion Calendar - Use Null or enter the numeric source instance for your chosen dictionary (for adjustments to MFP Conversion Baseline). Used in Retail Fund Performance for convertible returns processing. For more information, see the Retail Fund Performance User Guide. |
16 | MFP Gross Performance Accrual Methodology - Use M (for Monthly) or D (for Daily). Used in Retail Fund Performance for gross return processing. For more information, see the Retail Fund Performance User Guide. |
17 | MFP Gross Return Reinvestment - Use M (for Monthly). Used in Retail Fund Performance for gross return processing. For more information, see the Retail Fund Performance User Guide. |
18 | MFP Gross Up Before Other Distributions - Use Y (Reinvest expenses before other distributions) or N (Reinvest with other distributions). Used in Retail Fund Performance for gross return processing. For more information, see Retail Fund Performance User Guide. |
19 | Performance Composite Inclusion/Exclusion logic - Monthly Mode (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled). In GIPS Composite Management, used for the Composite Approval module, which displays the results from executing the Performance Composite Builder. Allows you to customize the composite inclusion/exclusion date logic for Performance composites. Options include:
20 | MFP Tax Adjustments - Apply tax adjustments to adjustment shares (Y = Yes, N = No). Used in Retail Fund Performance for gross return processing. For more information, see the Retail Fund Performance User Guide. |
21 | MFP Synthetic Accrual Methodology - Use M (for Monthly) or D (for Daily). Used in Retail Fund Performance for synthetic returns processing. For more information, see the Retail Fund Performance User Guide. |
22 | MFP Synthetic Expense Adj Frequency - use M (for Monthly). Used in Retail Fund Performance for synthetic returns processing. For more information, see the Retail Fund Performance User Guide. |
23 | MFP Synthetic Exp Adj Before Other Distributions - Use Y (for Adjust expenses before other distributions) or N (for Adjust with other distributions). Used in Retail Fund Performance for synthetic returns processing. For more information, see the Retail Fund Performance Configuration Guide. |
24 | MFP Synthetic Expense Adj Method - Use 0 (for Adjust shares). Used in Retail Fund Performance for synthetic returns processing. For more information, see the Retail Fund Performance Configuration Guide. |
25 | MFP Synthetic Adjust for 12B-1 - Use N (for N) or Y (for Yes). Used in Retail Fund Performance for synthetic returns processing. For more information, see the Retail Fund Performance Configuration Guide. |
26 | Benchmark Assignment Tab - Process Across Benchmark UI Default (U = Unchecked, C = Checked). Determines the default value that appears in the Process Across Changes check box in the entity Benchmark tab.
27 | Multicurrency Composite Build Processing (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled). Determines if the Performance Composite Builder initiates on-the-fly currency conversion. Applies only when the portfolio inclusion criteria use Performance or Holdings fields and the composite and constituent portfolios do not share a common base currency. If set to:
28 | Maximum number of entities in performance data fetch. Specifies the maximum number of entities to include in each query used in the report's performance data fetch, used in the:
29 | Truncate Pivot Point Duration in Days to integer (0 = Do not truncate, 1 = truncate). In Global Attribution analysis, used to remove a rounding inaccuracy in calculating the Fixed Income Attribution Pivot Point's yield change. If set to:
30 | Use FIA Pre Version 11 Calculations (Y = Yes, N = No). In Global Attribution analysis, determines whether Fixed Income Attribution (FIA) analysis uses Begin of Period analytical values or End of Period analytical values. Options include:
31 | Rescale ABAL and weights for blended and floating custom benchmarks (Y = Yes, N = No). For custom benchmarks, allows the use of Average Invested Balances (ABALs) that do not add up to 100%. Set to Y to allow the use of ABALs that do not add up to 100% for Blended benchmarks, Floating benchmarks, and Floating active weight benchmarks. Otherwise, set the option to No for backward compatibility. The default value is Y. |
32 | Use the FX spot rate as of inception date for monthly frequency ITD currency conversions (Y = Yes, N = No). Determines how the system performs currency conversion for fields with inception to date (ITD) Date Rules for the fund's first month since inception, as follows:
33 | MFP SRRI Weekly Crossover Condition Methodology. Use 0 (use fund as of BEGIN DATE) or 1 (use actual dates). Used in Retail Fund Performance if you calculate the fund's volatility based on weekly historical returns in order to determine the fund's synthetic risk reward indicator (SRRI). Determines how the system links data to backfill history of weekly returns, as follows:
35 | CIDX Currency Conversion Type Processing - Use 0 (Convert all return fields and no weight fields) or 1 (Convert all field types based on their defined currency process). During the Custom Index build you can choose currency conversion for all build fields or for only the return type fields. |
36 | Composite (COMP) Enumeration Process in Composite Weighted Returns and Performance Calculation - Use 0 (Begin date) or 1 (End date). This determines the "as of" date for the Reporting Composite (COMP) enumeration. Membership can be determined using the report Begin date or report End date from the Composite Weighted Return report or the Performance Calculation report |
37 | Performance Composite ENTITY_RANGE_DETAILS_JOURNAL Updates (0 = Update, 1 = Do not update). When choosing 1 the ENTITY_RANGE_DETAILS_JOURNAL table will not be updated with membership updates. Reducing the number of records in this table decreases processing times in the entity's Composite tab. |
38 | MFP Synthetic Returns Prior to Child Inception Date Methodology - Use 0 (Use only child NAVs) or 1 (Use parent NAVs) |
39 | Rejection Table Update for Data Quality Monitor (0 - Disable, 1- Enable). Selecting 1 enables the Data Quality Monitor to update the Control Center rejection table with all exceptions from the Data Quality Monitor. This could have an impact on processing times when enabled. |
40 | Performance Composite (ACOM) Enumeration Process in Composite Weighted Returns and Performance Calculation - Use 0 (Begin date) or 1 (End date). This determines the "as of" date for the Performance Composite (ACOM) enumeration. Membership can be determined using the report Begin date or report End date from the Composite Weighted Return report or the Performance Calculation report |
41 | Enable storing Pass records in Data Quality Monitor (1 = Do not store Pass records, 0 = Store Pass records). By choosing 1 DQM validations resulting in a "Pass" will not be stored. Only exceptions (Fail or Warning) will be stored in the database. This can keep down database usage and processing times. Pass results will also not be displayed in the DQM heatmap. |
43 | Calculate Attribution RollupDaily Single Level. This is for Single Level style attribution. Each effect is rolled up for each single period before effects are linked across time. |
45 | Prevent Commit of Custom Status Returns |