Configure Autoperf
To configure Autoperf:
In General Reporting, create a Master Profile for use with Autoperf.
The Autoperf master profile is a Performance Calculation report profile that contains all of the Autoperf entities along with the other profile parameters used to calculate returns. For more information, see Define the Performance Calculation Report.Create an Autoperf user ID that has the correct Performance and Commit privileges.
Set up the ID with user name AutoPerf for audit trail purposes. This is case-sensitive if you are using an Oracle database. This ID is inserted into the UPDATE_USER columns in the Performance tables and can be displayed on the Commit Journal window for calculations submitted by Autoperf. You do not need to set a password for this ID.
From the Eagle PACE main window, click the Performance category.
Under the Performance Utilities menu, select Auto Performance.
The Auto Performance window appears. See the following figure.Click the Specify the Master Profile list and select from the list of all Performance Returns report profiles to set the Master Profile.
You can use the bottom portion of the window to set the processing criteria for each Autoperf group. You can define different performance calculation automation requirements for different groups of funds. The Auto Performance Profile dialog box allows you to set the Report Rules, Processing Type, Required Data Feeds, and Field Rule overrides for a group of portfolios.Click Create to set up an Autoperf group.
The Auto Performance Profile dialog box appears. See the following figure.In the Auto Performance Profile dialog box, give the group a name, select the portfolios for the group. select one or more Performance Calculation Report Rules to use for the group.
In the Specify the Frequency Options section, select the calculation frequencies, and for each frequency selected:
Set the data requirements, including Field Rule override, if necessary.
For Monthly using Daily returns, the data dependencies for the Daily calculations need to be included as data dependencies of the Monthly using Daily calculations in addition to the Performance data, as noted in the previous figure.
Select the predecessor loaders that are required before submitting performance calculations.
For example, here the daily performance calculation for a fund is submitted when both the position and cash activity data have been loaded.
The purpose of grouping the funds together in this interface is to facilitate setup and maintenance. Each fund is still processed based on when it is ready on an individual fund basis. The use of groups here is to enable you to configure the settings for multiple funds at once that have the same processing requirements.Use the Eagle Scheduler to set up and manage the PACE schedules used to run the Autoperf process. For more information, see the Scheduler User Guide.