Performance Options for Precision and Rounding

The Retail Performance component of Eagle’s Performance measurement solution provides optional settings called rounding options to control the precision (after the decimal point) of the intermediate returns used in the retail return calculation process.

Eagle’s rounding options allow you to either round up or truncate a given intermediate value on a system wide basis, and to specify the precision, or number of places after the decimal point, for that value. The following retail performance data elements can be modified:

  • Accrued Distribution Amount

  • CDSC Fee

  • Cost Basis

  • End of Day Shares

  • Ending Market Value

  • Offer Price

  • Post Liquidation G/L

  • Post Liquidation Tax

  • Redemption Fee

  • Reinvestment Shares

  • Starting Shares


To modify precision values and rounding options:

  1. In Performance Center Setup, in the left navigation pane, click Performance Options.
    The Performance Options window displays.

  2. For each element for which you want to specify rounding or truncation:

    • Highlight the element name and then click Edit.

    •  In the Edit screen, enter the corresponding number in the Precision Value column, and then enter the number of places allowed after the decimal point for that value.

    • In the corresponding Rounding Option drop-down field, change the value from None to either Round Up or Truncate.

  3. Click Save.

    The system saves your changes for the selected set of rounding options.