Use the MPC to Calculate Monthly Returns

Use the MPC to Calculate Monthly Returns

Eagle's Multiperiod Performance Calculator (MPC) allows you to calculate unit values, calculate performance data including period-to-date returns, and commit performance data to the PERFORM database.
When you select this approach, you use one Performance Calculation report to calculate and commit daily performance data. Then you use the Multiperiod Performance Calculator to calculate and commit monthly performance data by linking together the daily returns.

If you need to calculate unit values, the MPC is designed for this purpose. Otherwise, if you do not need to calculate unit values, the MPC may not be your best option for calculating monthly returns based on daily returns. Some reasons follow:

  • The MPC is designed for to-date calculations at the Total and rollup levels but not for security level returns, and it does not calculate security level data. If you need to calculate monthly data at the security level, select another approach.

  • Some Eagle clients use the MPC to calculate returns because it allows them to commit certain types of returns to the PERFORM database for further research and analysis. Be aware that you can use the Performance Calculation report to commit monthly returns based on daily returns. In addition, you can use the Performance Analysis report to calculate various types of returns, such as returns for long time periods, and can transfer those returns from the report results to Data Mart for further research and analysis.

  • After you use the MPC to calculate and commit monthly returns, an underlying daily return can change. If you change an underlying daily record, you can set up the MPC to automatically update the monthly records to reflect ongoing changes to the underlying daily records. However, if you use the Performance Calculation report to calculate monthly data based on daily data, you can achieve a similar result by using the Process Manager to automatically update monthly records to reflect ongoing changes to the underlying daily records.