Data Mart Setup
This section describes how to set up monthly GIPS composite Data Mart builds.
To set up monthly GIPS composite Data Mart builds:
1. Copy Data Mart Model. If you have not already done so, use the Copy Marts option to copy the Data Mart Model related to GIPS in EAGLEMART to the Default Data Mart (DATAMARTDBO), or another Data Mart instance you created for use with the Performance Toolkit. The only model required to copy for GIPS is:
Fund Summary (Already copied during Packaged Reports setup)
The Performance Toolkit and Eagle Packaged Reports both include the Data Mart Model named Fund Summary. If you previously copied this model when you configured the Packaged Reports, and the model already exists in the target instance, its extensions and fields appear in the Target Model section. If a model field is already in the target, you cannot copy it.
2. Verify Model Filters and Mappings. If you have not already done so, edit the Fund Summary model you copied to confirm these options are set as follows. (You performed this step when you set up the Reporting Toolkit.)
In the Fields tab, ensure the Total Level Performance Model is selected.
In the Filters/Mappings tab, click Performance Report Options, and under Calculation & Display Level, ensure the Selected level to calculate attribution and display results down to option is set to Entity (Total) and the Limit results to the level selected above option is set to Limit Results.
3. Configure Model to Populate Data Mart Entities. Edit the Data Mart model used for GIPS in the Default Mart to associate the model with entities, as follows.
Data Mart Model | Edit Model to Assign Entities |
Fund Summary | Select the GIPS LIST entity. |
4.Create Data Mart Schedule. Create the following Data Mart schedule from within Data Mart.
DM Monthly GIPS Build Schedule
When you create this schedule, set the Schedule Type to Selective Build, and be sure to use an As-Of Date Rule that does not adjust begin or end dates. That is, do not select a date rule that uses the Adjust to field. For more information, see the Scheduling Model Submissions section of the Data Mart User Guide.
5. Configure Data Mart Schedules for Data Mart Models. Edit the Data Mart model associated with the GIPS Toolkit to configure the Data Mart schedule used for GIPS, as described in the following table.
When you edit the Fund Summary model, be aware that you can sort by extension to group similar fields together.
Data Mart Model | Edit Model to Configure Data Mart Schedule |
Fund Summary | Enable the DM Monthly GIPS Build Schedule. Select the appropriate GIPS fields from the Fund Summary Extension for the DM Monthly GIPS Build Schedule. Select the fields from the Perf Total Summary Extension for the DM Monthly GIPS Build Schedule. Select the appropriate fields from the Perf Total Extended Extension for the DM Monthly GIPS Build Schedule. Select the appropriate GIPS fields from the Perf GIPS Summary for the DM Monthly GIPS Build Schedule. Select the appropriate GIPS fields from the Perf Total Risk for the DM Monthly GIPS Build Schedule. Select all of the fields from the Perf GIPS Disclosures for the DM Monthly GIPS Build Schedule., including the Entity Id Field Attribute created earlier in this procedure. |
6. Configure Monthly Data Mart GIPS Workflow. Complete the following tasks in Process Manager:
Create the workflow, Monthly DM GIPS Workflow.
In the Workflow Definition tab, when you set up date rules for this monthly workflow, ensure that each date range is set to pass the current business day as the effective date to each profile. Eagle recommends that you select a (first) date rule, select the Adjust Effective Dates using the Date Rule check box, and select a (second) adjuster date rule in which you set both the Adjust To start date and end date to a value of Month End. An example of the adjuster date rule follows.
In the Run Groups tab, select the DM Monthly GIPS Build Schedule. For example, select the PACE event of Datamart Manager Engine – Default Mart – DM Monthly GIPS Build Schedule.
When creating workflows, be aware that the Batch Size value you can set in the Run Groups tab differs from the Data Mart batch size. The Run Groups tab Batch Size has a default value of 1. You can change that value from 1 to 50.
In the Entities tab, select the corresponding entity LISTs for GIPS composites.
In the Schedules tab, do not add a schedule, or if one exists, be sure to clear the Enable this Schedule check box. This allows the Event manager to control when the workflow is kicked off.
For more information about creating process workflows, see the Process Manager User Guide.
7. Schedule Data Mart Workflow. Use Data Steward’s Maintain Events window to edit your monthly event package, and add the monthly DM GIPS workflow as a monthly event to run on every calendar month end.
Depending on which toolkits you previously set up, this monthly event package can include monthly benchmark workflows, calculation workflows, and/or DM workflows. Edit the monthly event package to add the monthly DM GIPS workflow to the Event Package Options page. When you add the monthly DM GIPS workflow, ensure that its order follows that of the monthly DM workflows used for the Reporting Toolkit and the Attribution Toolkit in the Group Run Order column.