GIPS Toolkit: Preconfigured Components

GIPS Toolkit: Preconfigured Components

Field Attributes

The GIPS Toolkit includes information needed to facilitate GIPS compliant reporting. There are composite statistics, gross and net composite returns, risk statistics, firm assets, composite assets, disclosure templates, as well as gross benchmark returns available. All the fields are configured for performance clients that are moving to Eagle from a legacy system.

Composite Weighted Returns

The GIPS Toolkit includes single period weights and gross and net returns based on monthly frequency data. Monthly weighted average composite gross and net returns are based on beginning of period inputs. The Commit tolerance is based on the relative benchmark 1 gross return.

GIPS Statistics

GIPS Statistics are configured using Composite Analysis Fields for reporting the previous 10 years of composite information as of any month end from inception date to termination date. The fields include gross and net composite returns, gross benchmark return, firm assets, composite’s percentage of firm assets, dispersion, and the portfolios in the composite for the entire period.

Disclosure Templates

GIPS Disclosure templates are configured using Disclosure Fields for compliant reporting requirements for the composite. These fields can be customized to facilitate streamlined and efficient disclosure reporting across all composites. The disclosure templates for the composite’s calculation method, composite creation, minimum account size, dispersion methodology, currency, firm list of composites, calculations, fee structure, leverage, valuations, compliance statement, definition, verification, and additional information are all included. For descriptions of disclosure templates, see  GIPS Composite Management Configuration. 

Standard Deviation Statistic

The GIPS Toolkit includes a Performance Analysis field used to provide the annualized 3 year standard deviation of the composite returns as of any month end beginning in 2011. The field is configured to use monthly inputs.

Geometrically Linked Returns for Composites and Benchmarks

The GIPS Toolkit includes geometrically linked composite returns and risk measures for many time periods. All the fields are configured for daily performance clients that are moving to Eagle from a legacy monthly or daily system. As with single period returns, there are both gross and net portfolio returns as well as gross benchmark returns available.

Quarter to Date and Year to Date

Quarter to Date (QTD) and Year to Date (YTD) fields are configured to display data for the inception and termination quarter or year.

There is one set of QTD and YTD fields that have Mixed Frequency on, Business Calendar check off, and Inception Date check off. If run on the calendar month end, the data is retrieved from the monthly record on that date. If run for a day that is not the calendar month end, the daily returns since the prior calendar month end are retrieved and linked.

There is a second set of QTD and YTD fields that are Monthly frequency, have Mixed Frequency off, Business Calendar check off, and Inception Date check off. This field always retrieves data from monthly records regardless of the day it is run for.

Inception to Date

Inception to Date (ITD) fields are configured to display data since inception and display a null linked return if a required business day or month since inception is missing a committed return.

There is one set of ITD cumulative and annualized fields that have Mixed Frequency on, Business Calendar check on, and Inception Date check off. If run on the calendar month end, the data is retrieved from the monthly record on that date. If run for a day that is not the calendar month end, the daily returns since the prior calendar month end are retrieved and linked.

There is a second set of ITD cumulative and annualized fields that are Monthly frequency, have Mixed Frequency off, Business Calendar check on, and Inception Date check off. This field always retrieves data from monthly records regardless of the day it is run for.

Rolling Periods

1 Month, 3 Month, 6 Month, 1 Year, 3 Year, 5 Year, 10 Year, and 15 Year fields are configured to display data for the specified time and display a null linked return if the inception date falls within the period or a required business day or month in the specified period is missing a committed return.

There is one set of fields for 1 Month, 3 Month, 6 Month, 1 Year, 3 Year, 5 Year, 10 Year, and 15 Year cumulative annualized fields. The fields have Mixed Frequency on, Business Calendar check on, and Inception Date check on. If run on the calendar month end, the data is retrieved from the monthly record on that date. If run for a day that is not the calendar month end, the daily returns since the prior calendar month end are retrieved and linked.

OLAP Reports

The GIPS Toolkit includes the reports described in the following table.

Profile Name


Profile Name


eglPrfPc-Monthly Total Level Model

Monthly constituent gross and net returns.


Monthly weighted average composite gross and net returns based on beginning of period inputs. Commit tolerance based on relative benchmark 1 gross return.

eglCmpMp-Ad-hoc GIPS Presentation Report with Disc

Current YTD and annual composite statistics for previous 9 years.

eglEntMp-Ad-hoc GIPS Presentation Report with Disc

Monthly disclosures for composite.

eglPrfMp-Monthly Total Risk Analysis

Annualized 3 year standard deviation of monthly composite and benchmark gross returns.

Data Mart Models

The GIPS Toolkit leverages EAGLEMART to deploy preconfigured Data Mart models.

Fund Summary and Fund Summary Extensions

The Performance Model “eglPrfPc-Total Level Model” is used for the Fund Summary and Fund Summary Extensions.

Data Mart Table

DM Build Frequency

Account Types


Data Mart Table

DM Build Frequency

Account Types




GIPS Composites

Entity ID, Entity Name, Inception Date, Bmrk1 ID, Bmrk1 Name



GIPS Composites

MTD (mixed), QTD (mixed), YTD (mixed), Gross, Net, Port and Bmrk1



GIPS Composites

1Y (mixed), 3Y (mixed), 5Y (mixed), 10Y (mixed), SI (mixed), Cum and Ann, Gross and Net, Port and Bmrk1



GIPS Composites

3Y (M) Rolling Risk Statistics: Standard Deviation



GIPS Composites

GIPS: 1M, 3M (M), YTD (M), AW Std Dev, AUM, % Assets, Ports End, Ports In



GIPS Composites

Static and Dynamic text for 14 standard GIPS disclosures