Attribution Toolkit: Setup

General Setup

You can set up the Attribution Toolkit after you install the Reporting Toolkit. Because the Attribution Toolkit relies upon many components of the Reporting Toolkit, this procedure describes only those tasks you need to perform after the Reporting Toolkit setup is complete. For general installation and setup information, see Chapter 2: Installing the Toolkit.

To set up the Attribution Toolkit:

Data Load Configuration. Configure upstream systems to provide the data defined in the Attribution Toolkit Generic Interfaces section. If you are using Eagle Performance to calculate Performance returns, be aware that you do not need to load portfolio returns going forward.

Historic Data Load. After the upstream systems are configured to provide data, you need to load historical data. This might include performance data for the portfolio and benchmark, benchmark assignments, analytics, yield curves, and FX Rates.

Data Mart Setup

This section describes how to set up Data Mart for use with the Attribution Toolkit.

To set up Data Mart for the Attribution Toolkit:

1. Copy Data Mart Models. Use the Copy Marts option to copy the Data Mart Models in EAGLEMART over to the Default Data Mart (DATAMART). The models to copy for Attribution include:

  • Performance Details (Already copied during Reporting Toolkit setup)

  • By Asset Class MTD BF

  • Perf By Currency MTD BF

  • Perf By Region/Country MTD BF

  • Perf By Currency MTD KS

  • Perf By GICS Sector/IndustryGroup/Industry/SubIndustry MTD BF

  • Perf By Currency MTD FI

  • Perf By Aggregate Bond L1/L2/L3/L4 MTD FI

  • Perf By Aggregate Bond L1/L2/L3/L4 MTD FI Sector Inputs

  • Perf by Aggregate Bond L1/L2/L3/L4 MTD KRD

See the Data Mart models section of the Reporting Toolkit chapter for more information about these models. The initials “BF” stand for Brinson Fachler, “KS” for Karnosky Singer, “FI” for Fixed Income, “KRD” for Key Rate Duration, and “MTD” for month to date.

If your organization plans to use only certain models for Attribution, you can copy and configure only the models you need. For more information, see the Running Copy Model section of the Eagle Mart Packaged Reports and Portal Content 5.0 Configuration Guide.

The Performance Toolkit’s Reporting Toolkit includes the Data Mart Model named Performance Details. If you previously copied that model when you configured the Reporting Toolkit, and the model already exists in the target instance, its extensions and fields appear in the Target Model section. If a model field is already in the target, you cannot copy it.

2. Configure Models to Populate Data Mart Entities. After you copy the Data Mart models to the Default Mart, edit the Data Mart models in the Default Mart to associate the models with entities, as follows.

Data Mart Model

Edit Model to Assign Entities

Data Mart Model

Edit Model to Assign Entities

Performance Details

Select both the equity and fixed income LIST entities.
(Already performed during Reporting Toolkit setup.)

Perf By Asset Class MTD BF

Select both the equity and fixed income LIST entities.

Perf By Currency MTD BF

Select both the equity and fixed income LIST entities.

Perf By Region/Country MTD BF

Select both the equity and fixed income LIST entities.

Perf By Currency MTD KS

Select the equity LIST entity only.

Perf By GICS Sector/IndustryGroup/Industry/SubIndustry MTD BF

Select the equity LIST entity only.

Perf By Currency MTD FI

Select the fixed income LIST entity only.

Perf By Aggregate Bond L1/L2/L3/L4 MTD FI

Select the fixed income LIST entity only.

Perf By Aggregate Bond L1/L2/L3/L4 MTD FI Sector Inputs

Select the fixed income LIST entity only.

Perf by Aggregate Bond L1/L2/L3/L4 MTD KRD

Select the fixed income LIST entity only.

3. Configure Data Mart Schedules. Edit the Data Mart models associated with the Attribution Toolkit to configure the Data Mart schedules, as described in the following table.

Data Mart Model

Edit Model to Configure Data Mart Schedule

Data Mart Model

Edit Model to Configure Data Mart Schedule

Performance Details

Enable the DM Monthly Build Schedule. (Already performed during Reporting Toolkit setup.)

Select all the fields from the Perf Details MTD BF Extension for the Monthly Build Schedule only. (Already performed during Reporting Toolkit setup.)

Perf By Asset Class MTD BF

Enable the DM Monthly Build Schedule.

Select all the fields from the model for the Monthly Build Schedule.

Perf By Currency MTD BF

Enable the DM Monthly Build Schedule.

Select all the fields from the model for the Monthly Build Schedule.

Perf By Region/Country MTD BF

Enable the DM Monthly Build Schedule.

Select all the fields from the model for the Monthly Build Schedule.

Perf By Currency MTD KS

Enable the DM Monthly Equity Build Schedule.

Select all the fields from the model for the Monthly Equity Build Schedule.

Perf By GICS Sector/IndustryGroup/Industry/SubIndustry MTD BF

Enable the DM Monthly Equity Build Schedule.

Select all the fields from the model for the Monthly Equity Build Schedule.

Perf By Currency MTD FI

Enable the DM Monthly Fixed Income Build Schedule.

Select all the fields from the model for the Monthly Fixed Income Build Schedule.

Perf By Aggregate Bond L1/L2/L3/L4 MTD FI

Enable the DM Monthly Fixed Income Build Schedule.

Select all the fields from the model for the Monthly Fixed Income Build Schedule.

Perf By Aggregate Bond L1/L2/L3/L4 MTD FI Sector Inputs

Enable the DM Monthly Fixed Income Build Schedule.

Select all the fields from the model for the Monthly Fixed Income Build Schedule.

Perf by Aggregate Bond L1/L2/L3/L4 MTD KRD

Enable the DM Monthly Fixed Income Build Schedule.

Select all the fields from the model for the Monthly Fixed Income Build Schedule.

(During setup of the Reporting Toolkit sleeve, you created these Data Mart build schedules, created Data Mart Workflows in Process Manager, and identified the Data Mart build schedules to use for each Data Mart Workflow. You also added the Data Mart workflows to a monthly event package.)

Report Setup

This section describes how to set up reports provided with the Attribution Toolkit.

To set up reports for the Attribution Toolkit:

1. Copy Presentation Report Components. You must copy each of the following components for each presentation report provided with the Attribution Toolkit to avoid issues when new versions of the reports are distributed in the future:

  • Copy Advanced Report Profiles

  • (Optional) Copy Advanced Report Rules. If you do so, you must also edit the Advanced Report Profile copy to use the appropriate Advanced Report Rule copy.

  • (Optional) Copy Advanced Report DLLs. If you do so, you must also edit the Advanced Report Rule used to point at the appropriate Advanced Report DLLL copy.

For a list of the Advanced Report Profiles for presentation reports provided with the Attribution Toolkit, see the Presentation Reports section of this chapter.

2.  (Optional) Configure Presentation Report Packages You can create Advanced Reports that have a cover page, table of contents, and multiple presentation reports for use with the Attribution Toolkit presentation reports. For details, see the Eagle Mart Packaged Reports and Portal Content 5.0 Configuration Guide.

3. (Optional) Configure Portal for use with Toolkit Reports and Queries You can configure the Portal to work with Attribution Toolkit reports and queries, as follows:

  • (Optional) Configure Portal Inbox to expose presentation reports.

  • (Optional) Configure Portal Queries against Data Mart.

  • (Optional) Configure Portal Dashboards.

  • (Optional) Configure Portal Inbox to support Performance Analysis reports in Excel.

  • (Optional) Configure Portal Inbox to support Performance Analysis reports in ERX format.

The specific Information Delivery methods you select for viewing data generated with the Attribution Toolkit depend on several factors. Consider whether you require the data on a frequent or infrequent basis, and whether you need it delivered automatically to recipients or available on demand. Do you prefer a presentation ready PDF format or spreadsheet XLS format, and do you plan to include charts? Also consider whether the report criteria are fixed at run time or determined interactively by the person requesting the report. These factors affect your usage of the Portal Inbox, Portal Queries, and/or Portal Dashboards.

See the Report Setup section of the Reporting Toolkit chapter for a figure that can help you select an Information Delivery method. For more information about Portal, see the Portal System Administration User Guide.