Attribution Toolkit: Operation

Attribution Toolkit: Operation

The operation of the Attribution Toolkit is similar to that of the Reporting Toolkit. However, while the Reporting Toolkit setup includes both daily and monthly Data Mart workflows, the Attribution Toolkit setup includes only a monthly Data Mart workflow by default. Also, when you load monthly data, you additionally load attribution-related data, such as analytics and yield curve data.

Monthly Operation

The monthly operation for the Attribution Toolkit involves the following phases:

  • Monthly Data Load

  • Monthly Data Mart Build

Details of each phase follow:

Monthly Data Load

  1. When using Eagle Performance for portfolio calculations, you have returns committed for every calendar month end. The Calculation Toolkit describes this configuration. If you are not using Eagle Performance for portfolio returns, you need to load those portfolio returns every calendar month end.

  2. Index data must be loaded every month end to support benchmark relative analysis and reporting. The Index Toolkit describes this configuration.

  3. FX rates are required for analysis in alternate currencies, so calendar month end FX Rates need to be loaded as well.

  4. You must load security analytics and yield curve data for fixed income attribution.

  5. Use the Data Steward Event Details windows and Message Center Console to see data load errors.

Monthly Data Mart Build

  1. The Daily Data Mart workflows scheduled during the setup process runs for every calendar month end.

  2. Use the Data Steward Event Queue windows and Data Mart Execution Log to see errors.

After the Data Mart builds are completed, all monthly presentation reports and Portal queries should be available for Portal users.