Growth of 10k Report
The Growth of 10k report is designed to plot the performance of the account and benchmark beginning on the account inception date. Each plot point is a month end and represents the cumulative Since Inception return converted to a growth rate and multiplied by 10,000.
This report can be run on any month end.
Advanced Report Profiles
Egl Prf Performance Relative Growth of 10k
Data Used by Report
The following table shows data used by the report.
Report Element | Data Mart Table | Data Mart Column | Underlying Field Attribute |
Fund Name | FUND_SUMMARY | ENTITY_NAME | eglEnt-Entityname |
Fund Base Currency | FUND_SUMMARY | BASE_CURRENCY | eglEnt-EntityBaseCurrency |
Benchmark | FUND_SUMMARY | BM1_NAME | eglPan-Bm1Name |
Inception Date | FUND_SUMMARY | INCEPTION_DATE | eglEnt-InceptionDate |
Account Return Since Inception | PERF_TOTAL_EXTENDED | ITD_RETURN | eglPlk-D-ItdGrossReturn |
Benchmark Return Since Inception | PERF_TOTAL_EXTENDED | ITD_BM1_RETURN | eglPlk-D-Bm1ItdGrossReturn |
Report DLL
The report DLL is named PerformanceGrowth10K.dll.