Group Relative Performance Report
The Group Relative Performance report highlights the month to date return difference between the account and benchmark. Both a tabular and bar chart representation of the data is displayed. The bar chart only charts the top level of the model.
This report can be run on any business day or month end.
Advanced Report Profiles
Advanced Report Profiles include:
Egl Prf Performance Relative By Currency
Egl Prf Performance Relative By Asset Class
Egl Prf Performance Relative By Region Country
Egl Prf Performance Relative By GICS
Egl Prf Performance Relative By Aggregate Bond
Option | Description |
Eagle Report Title | Controls the title of the report |
Eagle Table Name | Controls the name of Data Mart group table to query |
Eagle Number of Grouping Levels | Controls the number of levels to display |
Eagle Column Prefix | Controls the prefix of each database column |
Eagle Report Period Label | Control the period label displayed on the report |
Data Used by Report
Many of the same reports are available with different groupings and are referred to by a common name, but each has a different Advanced Report profile. The total level performance returns are always retrieved from the PERF_TOTAL_SUMMARY table, so the standard time periods this report supports are those stored in that table which are MTD, QTD, YTD. This is one of two group performance reports with this limitation, as the other reports derive the total by summing up the level below total.
The following table shows data used by the report.
Report Element | Data Mart Table | Data Mart Column | Underlying Field Attribute |
Fund Name | FUND_SUMMARY | ENTITY_NAME | eglEnt-Entityname |
Fund Base Currency | FUND_SUMMARY | BASE_CURRENCY | eglEnt-EntityBaseCurrency |
Benchmark | FUND_SUMMARY | BM1_NAME | eglPan-Bm1Name |
Inception Date | FUND_SUMMARY | INCEPTION_DATE | eglEnt-InceptionDate |
Month to Date Return % - Benchmark | Same as above | MTD_BM1_RETURN | eglPlk-D-Bm1MtdGrossReturn |
Month to Date Return % - Difference | Same as above | MTD_RETURN_VS_BM1 | eglRca-D-MtdGrossReturnVsBm1 |
Total – Account | PERF_TOTAL_SUMMARY | MTD_RETURN | eglPlk-D-MtdGrossReturn |
Total – Benchmark | PERF_TOTAL_SUMMARY | MTD_BM1_RETURN | eglPlk-D-Bm1MtdGrossReturn |
Total – Difference | PERF_TOTAL_SUMMARY | MTD_RETURN_VS_BM1 | eglRca-D-MtdGrossReturnVsBm1 |
Benchmark Returns - Quarter to Date | PERF_TOTAL_SUMMARY | QTD_BM1_RETURN | eglPlk-D- Bm1QtdGrossReturn |
Benchmark Returns - Year to Date | PERF_TOTAL_SUMMARY | YTD_BM1_RETURN | eglPlk-D- Bm1YtdGrossReturn |
Value Added - Daily | PERF_TOTAL_SUMMARY | D1_RETURN_VS_BM1 | eglRca-D-GrossReturnVsBm1 |
Value Added - Month to Date | PERF_TOTAL_SUMMARY | MTD_RETURN_VS_BM1 | eglRca -D-MtdGrossReturn VsBm1 |
Report DLL
The report DLL is named GroupRelativePerformance.dll.