Manage the Classification Matrix
The Eagle Classification Matrix is essentially a rule that stores a set of criteria that must be met to classify a security into a resultant code. This code would then be used to either populate security information or to group data by that new security information. The Matrix is used when data is not available by vendor or other feed to the warehouse.
Create a Classification Matrix
In the Classification wizard Details page, you can define the details.
To define the classification matrix details:
In the setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Classification Matrix.
You see the Classification Matrix workspace with the current list of classification matrices.Click Create New.
You see the Create New Classification Matrix Wizard.In the Name box, enter a name for the classification matrix.
Select a Matrix Report Level from the drop-down list. Options include:
– Entity
– SecuritySelect the Level in Matrix from the drop down list and then the order, by using the up and down arrows to change the order of the entries.
Click Next.
Define the Matrix Structure
In the Matrix page of the Create New Classification Matrix wizard, you define the matrix structure.
To define the matrix structure:
Click on a row.
To add criteria to a row in the matrix, select the row and then right-click.
You see the Add Criteria dialog box.Enter the As-of Date by selecting the date from the calendar.
Select the field(s) from the drop-down list by clicking on the corresponding check box.
Click Ok.
You see the matrix added to the classification workspace.
Edit a Classification Matrix
You can edit a classification matrix in the Classification wizard.
To edit a classification matrix :
In the setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Classification Matrix.
You see the Classification Matrix workspace with the current list of classification matrices.Select the matrix you want to edit, and then click Edit.
The Edit Classification wizard displays.Edit the classification matrix and click Save & Finalize.
The edited matrix redisplays in the Classification matrix.
Duplicate a Classification Matrix
You can duplicate a classification matrix in the Classification workspace
To duplicate a classification matrix :
In the setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Classification Matrix.
You see the Classification Matrix workspace with the current list of classification matrices.Select the matrix you want to edit, and then click Duplicate.
You see the Copy As dialog box display.Enter a name for the duplicate classification matrix and click Ok.
The duplicate matrix redisplays in the Classification matrix.
Delete a Classification Matrix
You can delete a classification matrix.
To delete a classification matrix :
In the setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Classification Matrix.
You see the Classification Matrix workspace with the current list of classification matricesSelect the matrix you want to delete, and then click Delete.
You see a confirmation box asking you to verify your selection.Click Yes.
The matrix is deleted from the system.