Load Metadata with the CSV Loader

Load Metadata with the CSV Loader

In the Metadata Manager, you can use the CSV Loader utility to load additional metadata for the existing metadata types. The CSV Loader utility creates a CSV file that you can load into the Metadata Manager's database by running the Collector Engine.

To load metadata via the CSV Loader for the existing metadata types:

  1. Create the CSV files in the appropriate file format using the CSV Editor.

  2. Run the CSV Configuration wizard to configure the CSV files so the Collector Engine can pick them in during the next run.

  3. Run the Collector Engine.

For the existing types, you can load and enrich the following metadata:

  • Items

  • Item attributes

  • Parents and children

  • Maps

  • Map relations (source to target map details)

  • Map attributes

  • Type attributes

You cannot add new types via a CSV file. To create a new type, clickĀ Metadata, selectĀ Types, and clickĀ Create.