Manage Stored Procedure Calculations

Manage Stored Procedure Calculations

You can use the Stored Procedure Calculations workspace to create, view, edit and delete stored procedure calculations.

Create a Stored Procedure Calculation

To create a stored procedure calculation:

  1. In the setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Metadata>Stored Procedure Calculation.
    You see the Stored Procedure Calculation workspace with the current list of classification matrices.

  2. Click New Calculation.
    You see the Create New Calculation window.
    In the Name box, enter a name.

  3. In the ID box, enter a unique identifier.

  4. Select a Level from the drop-down list. Options include
    –  Cash
    –  Entity
    –  Holding
    –  Issuer
    –  Security

  5. Select a Database from the drop-down list.

  6. Select a Type from the drop-down list. Options include:

  7. Select Procedure/Function (s)from the drop-down list.

  8. Under Input Parameters, for each parameter, select a Parameter Input Mode and Input Value from the drop-down list. 

  9. Click Save.

View/Edit a Stored Procedure Calculation

You can view and edit a stored procedure calculation.

To view/edit a stored procedure calculation:

  1. In the setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Metadata>Stored Procedure Calculations.
    You see the Stored Procedure workspace with the current list of stored procedure calculations.

  2. Select the stored procedure calculation you want to edit, and from the right-click menu, select Edit.

  3. Review the information, make the appropriate changes, and then click Save.
    The newly revised stored procedure calculation displays in the workspace.

Delete a Stored Procedure Calculation

You can delete a stored procedure calculation.

To delete a stored procedure calculation:

  1. In the Setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Metadata>Stored Procedure Calculations.
    You see the Stored Procedures workspace with the list of sored procedure calculations.

  2. Select the stored procedure calculation you want to delete and then click Delete.
    You see a confirmation box asking you to verify your selection.

  3. Click Ok.
    The stored procedure calculation is deleted from the system.