Manage Options/Parameters

Manage Options/Parameters

You can use the Options/Parameters workspace to add, edit, duplicate, and delete an option/parameter.

Create an Option/Parameter

You can create an option in the Options/Parameters workspace.

To create an option/parameter:

  1. In the Setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Options/Parameters.
    You see the Options/Parameters workspace.

  2. Click Create New.
    You see the Add New Option dialog box.

  3. Enter the Name for the option.

  4. Optionally, enter a Caption and a Description to describe the option.

  5. Select the Type from the drop-down list. Options include: 
    –  String
    –  Security
    –  Source
    –  Star date

  6. Enter the Size. Use the up/down arrows to

  7. Enter the Default Value in the space provided.

  8. Under Properties, click the appropriate options:
    –  Required
    –  Hidden
    –  Shared

  9. Click Save.
    You see the option added to the list of options in the Options/Parameters workspace.

Edit Options/Parameters

You can edit an option/parameter in the Options/Parameter workspace.

To edit options/parameters:

  1. In the Setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Sources.
    You see the Options/Parameters workspace.

  2. Select the option/parameter  you wish to edit and then click Edit.
    You see the Edit Options dialog box.

  3. Review the information, make the appropriate changes, and then click Save.
    You see the refreshed list of all the available options/parameters. 

Duplicate Options/Parameters

You can duplicate an option/parameter in the Options/Parameter workspace.

To duplicate options/parameters:

  1. In the Setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Sources.
    You see the Options/Parameters workspace.

  2. Select the option/parameter you wish to duplicate and then click Duplicate.
    You see the Copy As dialog box.

  3. Enter a duplicate name and then click Ok.
    You see the refreshed list of all the available options/parameters with the duplicate option/parameter.

Delete Options/Parameters

You can delete an option/parameter in the Options/Parameter workspace.

To delete an option/parameter:

  1. In the Setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Sources.
    You see the Options/Parameters workspace.

  2. Select the option/parameter you want to delete and then click Delete.
    You see a confirmation box asking you to verify your selection.

  3. Click Ok.
    The option/parameter is deleted from the system.