Manage Execution Logs

Multiple users can perform functions in the Mart simultaneously.

Refresh Execution Logs

To refresh the log:

  • Click the Refresh link in the Execution Log window to update the Execution Log and view the effects of changes entered by others.

Filter Execution Logs

You can filter the list of log entries in the Execution Log window by run date, model, fund, or process status in order to find particular submissions more easily. Logs at any engine level (Data Mart Manager, Model Manager, or Concentration) can be targeted in your filter, but note that if you seek logs at any particular drill-down level (Model Manager or Concentration), you also see their parent levels.

To filter the log list:

  1. Click the Execution Log icon in the left panel of the Manage Mart or View Mart Data windows.
    You see the Execution Log window.

  2. Click the Filter link.
    You see the Execution Log Filter dialog box.

  3. Select one or more filter criteria.

  4. If you choose more than one filter criteria, the contents are only displayed if they pass all of your filters. Options include:

    • Run dates. These dates do not usually represent the submission effective date. You can select All for all dates, Today for today's date, As of date for a specific date, or Between for a range of dates.

    • Snapshots. From the dropdown list, choose one snapshot or <All Snapshots> to include in your filter results.

    • Models. Select All to view log entries for all models. Select Specific Models to view logs of selected models only, and click the Add link. The Data Mart Model Selector opens, and you can choose specific models for which to view log entries. After making your selections, you can alter them by clicking the Remove link to avoid viewing logs for that model.

    • Funds. Select All to view log entries for all entities. Select Specific Funds to view logs for selected entities only, and click the Add link. The Entity Selector opens, and you can choose specific entities for which to view log entries. After making your selections, you can alter them by clicking the Remove link to avoid viewing logs for that entity.

    • Execution Status for Data Mart Manager Engine, Model process, and Fund OLAP process. Select All, Succeeded, or Failed options to view log with the indicated status.
      Note: An OLAP (Fund process) execution status of "N" for "No data to report" is considered a success for purposes of filtering logs. Only a status of "E" for "Error" is a failure. Also, a Model Manager Engine is in failed status only if at least one underlying OLAP has an "E" completion status. This logic is designed to help you separate true errors from no-data situations to identify where you should investigate issues.

  5. Click OK to filter the contents of the Execution Log window.
    When you filter the window contents, the entries that meet your criteria are listed at the top of the window.

Purge Execution Logs

Over time, your execution logs and ERX report results files can grow to occupy considerable disk space on your system. You can purge these files from Data Mart. When you do, you have the option to leave in place the submission history information on which models were populated on which dates, without the more voluminous log and results files that normally link from the submission history.

To purge execution logs:

  1. Click the Execution Log icon in the left panel of the Manage Mart or View Mart Data windows.
    You see the Execution Log window.

  2. Click the Purge link.
    You see the Purge Execution Logs dialog box.

  3. Select a date from the Before dropdown list.

  4. Click All to delete all records of past submissions, consisting of submission history, log files, and ERX report results files.
    Or, click Diagnostics to remove only logs and ERX files.

  5. Click Purge to execute the purge, or Cancel to skip the purge and return to the Execution Logs window.
    Note: It can take several seconds to delete a large volume of files.