About Model Extensions

About Model Extensions

You can add model extensions to the Fund Summary and Detail models. A model extension allows you to maintain a table extension of the model's table. A table extension stores a subset of the model's fields in a separate physical table that has a key structure identical to the main table, but is populated by its own OLAP processes. Extensions increase the number of concurrent OLAP processes, promoting parallel processing. They also reduce the size of individual Data Mart tables, which might otherwise have to store hundreds of fields. You do not need model extensions for Group models since you can add additional Group models and tables that follow the same group hierarchy. After you add a model extension, you assign one or more fields to that extension using the Fields tab. You can create multiple extensions per model. However, you cannot change a field's assignment to a given extension after you populate the table with data.

Add an Extension

To add a model extension to the Fund Summary or Detail Model:

  1. In Reporting Center, from the left navigation, select Reporting Tools > Datamart > Manage Marts > Data Mart.
    You see the Data Mart workspace.

  2. Click the Extensions link.
    You see the Data Mart Table Extensions dialog box. 

  3. In the Data Mart Model dropdown list, select the Fund Summary model or any Detail model.

  4. Click Add Extension.
    You see the Define Table Extension dialog box. 

  5. The Name box specifies the name of the extension. The extension name is an ID similar to that for a field or a model.

  6. In the Description box, provide a description about the table extension.

  7. In the Table Name box, specify the extension table name, which must contain a portion or all of the name of the basic table, or an abbreviation.
    You are limited to 23 characters for an extension table name, just as for a model table name. There is space for you to add comments relating to the extension.

  8. In the Archive Table Name, specify the name used to archive the table. This field is auto-populated with the provided Table Name.

  9. In the Comments box, provide comments about the table, if any.

  10. Click OK.
    After you add an extension, you can assign fields to it. You cannot assign the same field attribute, such as Security Name, to more than one extension.

  11. Select the Fund Summary or Detail model.
    You see the Editing Model dialog box.

  12. Click the Fields tab.

  13. In the Model Extension dropdown list, select an extension.

Add Extensions to Existing Tables

If you create an extension after you populate data to the main table or other extensions, you have rows of data for prior periods with null values in the extension table. Portal and Data Mart equal-join a table to all extensions. For dates where at least one extension has no data, the join fails. You can back fill data for the model to the earliest date you may ever want to retrieve. Or, have your Database Administrator insert the same key field values that exist in the main table into the extension.