Custom Distribution Options

Custom Distribution Options

Complete the following options on the Custom Distribution dialog box.



Distribution Name

Enter a name for the custom distribution method.

Short Distribution Name

Enter a shorter name (optional)

Distribution Type

Select a Distribution Type:

  • Windows Client

  • ePACE Client

  • Eagle Portal

  • COM Interface. Enter the appropriate arguments in the Parameters setting.

  • Dot NET Interface. Enter the appropriate arguments in the Parameters setting and the file path of the executable to be used.

  • E-Mail. Use the Subject field to store the text of the message sent with the output file. The batch name is part of the email message by default when a client’s contact is the email recipient.

  • PERL Script. Enter the appropriate arguments in the Parameters setting and the file path of the script to be used.

  • Printer. Select the printer driver to use for distribution from the Device Name drop down list.

  • Archive. Saves the output file to the file system. Select the Custom Archive Rule to specify the location and naming convention for the distribution process.

Output Type

These options specify the file type sent by the distribution method. It is only necessary if you selected a method other than PACE Client or Printer from the Distribution Type drop down list.

When the Distribution Type is set to Eagle Portal, COM interface, email, external application, PERL script, or Archive, you can configure the output type as an HTML document.


Displays a list of valid arguments.


Compresses the distributed file. You must select the Compressed check box for distributions using the Eagle Portal method.