Access Reporting Center

Access Reporting Center

Client Reporting allows you to create, package, and distribute Client Reports that were built using templates in Advanced Reporting. While Advanced Reporting is designed for internal management reports, Client Reporting focuses on the bulk production and distribution of client reports.

To access Client Reporting:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Reporting in the Start Search text box and click the Reporting Center link. Or click All Programs and select Reporting Center. You see the Client Reporting workspace.

  3. Open the Client Reporting folder, and double-click the Administrative folder to see the Client Reporting options.

  4. To exit Reporting Center, click the Eagle Navigator button, hover over Sign Out and click Close Reporting Center.

  5. To close all Eagle programs and log out, click the Eagle Navigator button and click Sign Out.