Automatic Approvals and Distributions

Automatic Approvals and Distributions

This section describes how to create automatic approvals and automatic distributions using Dot NET. Before completing the procedures, you should also have Visual Studio 2005 installed on the developer’s machine.

Complete the following procedures to create the Auto Distribution and Auto Approval DLL using the eglexternalizer_intfc interface.

Create the Auto Distribution DLL in DOT.NET

To create the Auto Distribution DLL in DOT.NET:

  1. Open Visual Studio 2005.

  2. From the File menu select New Project and then select Class Library under Visual Basic.
    You see the New Project dialog box template. The project is named TestAutoDistrib.

    New Project Dialog Box
  3. The project is created with default class name Class1.VB. Rename the project with the required file name. In this procedure, the file is renamed to TestAutoDistrib.VB.

  4. Click OK.
    You see the Add Reference dialog box.

    Add Reference Dialog Box
  5. Select the Browse tab, and add the EglExternalizer interface DLL (eglexternalizer_intfc.dll) reference from this location. C:\Program Files\Eagle Investment Systems\VS2005Addin.

  6. Add imports ElExternalizer_intfc inside the TestAutoDistrib Class:Imports Eagle.eglexternalizer_intfc Public Class Distribute End Class

  7. Implement the EGLExternalizer IPACEDISTRIBUTE method. Add Distribute method.
    Imports Eagle.eglexternalizer_intfc
    Public Class TestAutoDistrib
    Implements Eagle.eglexternalizer_intfc.IPACEDistribute
    Public Sub Distribute(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal
    Parameters As String)
    End Sub
    End Class

  8. Inside the Distribute method, write the code for custom distribution.

Create the Auto Approval DLL in DOT.NET

Create the Auto Approval DLL in DOT.NET:

  1. Repeat the Auto Distribution’s step 1 through 6.

  2. Implement Eagle.eglexternalizer_intfc.IPACEAutoapproval. Add the CheckForApproval method.
    Public Class TestApprovalImplementsEagle.eglexternalizer_intfc.IPACEAutoApproval
    Public Sub CheckForApproval(ByVal FileName As String, _ByVal OnBehalfOf As Object, ByVal OnBehalfOfType AsEagle.eglexternalizer_intfc.eOnBehalfOf) _ImplementsEagle.eglexternalizer_intfc.IPACEAutoApproval.CheckForApproval
    End Sub
    End Class

Once the Auto Approval or Auto Distribution DLL is created, drop it off on the PACE server. The location should be specified in the PACE_SYSTEM table as a value for SYS_ITEM 136 as the local path. There is no need for these DLLs to be registered.

Using Auto Approvals and Auto Distributions in PACE

Set Up Auto Approvals

To set up Auto Approvals:

  1. On the Maintain Approvals dialog box, select Create New Approval or right-click and select Create New Approval.
    You see the Create New Approval dialog box:

    Create New Approval Dialog Box
  2. Select the criteria in the This Approval is based on section. Click Next.
    You see the Approval Users tab on the Create New Approval dialog box.

    Create New Approval Approval Users Tab
  3. Select the User/Business Group to approve this Approval.

  4. Select options in the Approval Stage section.

  5. Select options in the Approval Expires section.

  6. Select DOTNET as the Interface Type under User Defined Approval.

  7. Enter the Approval DLL name.

  8. Click Finish.
    Auto Approval setup is complete.

Set Up Auto Distribution

To set up Auto Distribution:

  1. In the Maintain Approvals dialog box, from the Go to another component drop-down, select Client Reporting ->Custom Distributions.
    You see the Maintain Approvals dialog box.

    Maintain Approvals Dialog Box
  2. Select Client Reporting → Custom Distribution.
    You see the Custom Distribution dialog box.

    Custom Distribution Dialog Box
  3. Click Add.
    You see the Add Custom Distribution dialog box.

    Add Custom Distribution Dialog Box
  4. Enter a distribution name in the Distribution Name field, and short distribution name in the Short Distribution Name field.

  5. In the Distribution Type field, select Dot NET Interface.

  6. In the Dot Net Assembly Name field, enter the DLL name.

  7. In the Output Type section, choose Advanced Report (*.adv).

  8. In the Parameters field, select any applicable parameters.

  9. Click Save. Auto Distribution setup is complete.