Approval Users Tab Options

Approval Users Tab Options

Complete the following options on the Approval Users tab.





Approval Stage

The approval stage defines where the approval resides in the workflow. Select one of the following options:

  • Before Run. The approval must be approved before the batch is run and imaged through the Advanced Reporting engine in the PACE Server.

  • After Run. The approval must be approved before the batch results are distributed to the receiving party, such as a print vendor, or email recipient.

  • Post Distribution. The approval must be completed before the batch is considered complete. If there is a third party involved in the distribution process and the approval has run, it needs to be completed before the batch is considered Complete. A pending post distribution approval does not prevent imaging or distribution, but it does prevent a batch from moving to a completed status.

Approval Expires

This option defines how often the approval update history is refreshed. Select one of the following options:

User Defined Approval

This field is optional. It allows you to enter a Visual Basic project and class that performs specific error checking functions, such as searching for key words within reports or comparing numeric values from one report to another. Through use of this class, you can reduce the amount of time you spend reviewing reports. For example, you can create a class to search for the word “unknown” within reports. Or compare the Total Market Value from one report in the package to another. The Visual Basic project that contains the class (the associated DLL file), must be registered on the PACE server for the error checking functionality to run successfully.

Define Approval Notification List

Defines a list of contacts that should be notified when an approval status changes.

Approval Due Date

Specifies a due date for the approval, and, if you define an approval notification list, sends email notifications to recipients when the approval moves past its specified due date.