Report Tab Options

Use the options on the Reports tab to set up various reporting options.



Advanced Profile

Click to select a reporting package. You can specify a reporting package for one or more months in the calendar year, create and edit an Advanced Report Profile or Advanced Report Profile variation, override an Advanced Report Profile for one or more recipients in the batch, and preview batch distributions. Advanced Report Profiles are typically created in General Reporting.

If you do not want the batch to run for a particular month, do not select a reporting package. Compound Business Group users can see which Advanced Profiles are owned or published to the regular Business Groups in their Compound Business Groups.


Click to specify a distribution category. The Distribution Category dialog box appears. Select one or more distribution categories. Your selections apply to all of the clients or entities assigned to the batch. If you do not select a distribution category, the batch is distributed to all distribution categories for clients associated with the batch.

Distribution categories are determined by an internal code. The internal code used has an instance value of 10023. The short description of the code is iDISTRTYPES. This set of code values is also displayed in Category drop down in the Clients Distribution tab.

If one or more clients in the batch does not have a distribution method created for the selected distribution category, the reporting package is not distributed to the client. The event is noted in the batch engine log.

Archive Folder

Select an archive folder. Enable this option for each month that you select an Advanced Report Profile. This allows batch results to be stored on the network using a Custom Archive Rule. By default, a batch does not have an archive folder selected.

Selecting an archive folder is optional. If you do not select one, the default archive folder is used.


You can create and edit a batch variation on the Advanced Report Profile. An Advanced Report Profile variation is a batch override that consists of one or more Advanced Report rules. You can apply the variation to one or more of a batch’s recipients using the Override column.

Define Batch Notifications

Click to define batch notifications. Batch notifications allow you to define a list of contacts and contact them by email when batch status changes. The Define Notification List dialog box appears. Click Add User to add a contact to the Notification List section. Select the check boxes in the Notify upon section:

  • Starting Execution. Notifies a contact when the batch has been submitted via the Scheduler or on an ad hoc basis and picked up by the batch engine.

  • Completed. Notifies a contact when the batch has completed processing.

  • Failed. Notifies a contact when at least one package in the batch has failed processing.

  • Starting Distribution. Notifies a contact when the batch has completed imaging and is waiting for an After Run approval update.

  • Due Date. Notifies a contact when the batch moves past its specified due date.

Define Approval Dependencies

Click to define approval dependencies. Approvals are tasks that help you automate client statement production.