Use Source Designer Mode

Use Source Designer Mode

The layout of the Source Designer tab is very similar to that of taxonomy mapping. It has the main Data Object and one or many mashups linked to it. The main differences include:

  • When you use Source Designer mode, the destination grid is named Vocabulary. The value mapped into it becomes your Source when you switch back to Taxonomy mapping

  • The mashups you add here allow you to specify a custom join key and join type

To use Source Designer mode:

After you select the main data object for your interface and click Create, you see the EDS Worksheet.

  1. You can select the Source Designer mode by clicking the Source Designer tab at the bottom of the page.

    Source Designer tab

    You see the Source Designer Mode box with the following warning.

    Source Designer Mode box
  2. Click Yes to proceed.
    The main data object chosen during interface creation appears on the left. The Vocabulary grid appears on the right. By default, all main data object fields already mapped into taxonomy are mapped into Vocabulary as well.

  3. You can change this mapping according to your task requirements.

    Vocabulary is the Composite Source of your interface. All fields that have been mapped to Vocabulary automatically go to the Source in the Taxonomy Mapping worksheet as well.

  4. To check that, click the Taxonomy Mapping tab.

The fields you mapped into vocabulary are not automatically added to the extract. You have to map them from your Composite Source to the Taxonomy.