Use Source Designer Mashups

Use Source Designer Mashups

In the Source Designer worksheet, drag the required source mashup from the Shapes pane at the left to the canvas. For example, in following figure you drag the GenericSMFHistory data object.

GenericSMFHistory Dragged to Canvas

Rename the Data Object

You can rename the source mashup object. In this case query will be performed to get same data object data but data will be referred by a specific alias. This can be extremely helpful in case your source mashup uses several data objects with the same type but with different extract or join parameters.

To rename a data object:

  1. Right-click the data object's header, and then click Rename. 

    Rename option

    You see the Rename box. 

  2. In the New name box, you can enter a new name.

  3. Click Apply to apply the changes.

Select the Join Type

Source mashup in Source Designer mode is different from the mashup used in Taxonomy mapping mode. In Source Designer you can choose the method of source mashup join with the main data object (by default, it is inner join).

To select the join type:

Click the join down arrow of the mashup header, and then click the join type to choose a join type for it. 
You can select a value of inner join, left outer join, full outer join, or except outer join. 

See the following figures, where you change the value of inner join to a value of left outer join. 

Join the Child Data Object to the Main Data Object by a Specific Key

It is extremely important to set a correct join key to join the main and child data objects.

To check the join expression:

Select the Join On check box.

In the following example you can see that SECURITY_ALIAS is processed by the atoi() and convert() functions. This is a standard way to remove leading zeroes from the value, which can negatively affect the join.

The default expression for the join always represents the main data object fields (to the left of the equal sign) and corresponding fields from the child data object key fields (to the right of the equal sign).

Add Fields from the Source Mashup to Vocabulary and Taxonomy

You can map required fields from the source mashup to Vocabulary.

After that, you can map the fields from the composite source to Taxonomy on the Taxonomy Mapping worksheet.

Details on the Data Extraction Query Profile

It is important to mention that not all existing fields of extracted data objects are extracted on the Source mashup step. Only fields that are mapped into taxonomy or take part in joins are extracted. If no fields are mapped from Vocabulary to Taxonomy from a specific data object – this object is considered as non-required and is not mentioned in the interface definition.

You cannot use unmapped fields in filter expressions unless you mark them as Do not reduce. 

To use an unmapped field in filter expressions:

Right-click the field, and then click Do not reduce. 

You can mark any column of the source or mashup objects with this flag by using the corresponding menu item from the context menu.

Source Mashup Data Objects Extract Parameters 

The source mashup extract applies filters not only to the main data object but also to child data objects that are used in the Source mashup step. 

The system applies parameters without prefixes to the main object as well as to all the mashups (provided the mashup supports this kind of filter). Adding a prefix to the parameter allows you to target a specific mashup. The prefix should match the data object name in Source Designer.

In the example:  Source mashup – rating data object, mashup – genericsmf data object.

You can set filter parameters not only for the main dataset and/or for all interfaces. For example, the source for Warehouse Position (main object) and for Rating object (source mashup in the current interface) can be different, so if you set the sourcename parameter it is applied to all data objects which support this parameter.

To set different sourcename parameters in the RTR for Warehouse Position and Rating extract, you use different prefixes. See the following example.

    <taskParameter>       <name>rating.sourcename</name>       <dataType>S</dataType>       <value>MLT</value>     </taskParameter>     <taskParameter>       <name>sourcename</name>       <dataType>S</dataType>       <value>AARENAM</value>     </taskParameter>

In this example, the source name “AARENAM” will be applied to the main object, and “MLT” will be used for the rating source mashup.

To find the list of Available filters for each data object, see EDS Data Object Definition Form Options.