About EDS Solutions

About EDS Solutions

EDS solutions are Eagle Data Services interfaces which allow you to build custom extracts based on multiple Eagle Data Objects, both core and custom data objects. The ability to join (mashup) multiple data objects adds flexibility, previously not readily available via Extract Service and EJM. Building custom extracts allows you to implement your company's specific processing requirements.

About the EDS Solution Lifecycle

At a high level, you can represent the lifecycle of an EDS solution by four stages: 
1. Create → 2. Publish → 3. Run → 4. Monitor

A description of each stage follows:

  1. Create the solution to perform your desired task, such as mash up core and custom data objects and define desired output to build your custom extract.

  2. Publish the solution into your Eagle runtime environment. 
    NOTE: You can test a solution without publishing it.

  3. Run (test) the EDS solution by submitting it and providing desired runtime parameters.

  4. Monitor the progress and status of the EDS solution execution using the EJM Monitoring Tool. You can access the EJM Monitoring Tool directly from your desktop. Eagle currently recommends using the EJM Monitoring Tool for monitoring and troubleshooting. While Automation Center also allows EJM process monitoring, the EJM Monitoring Tool offers more capabilities at this time. 

About Data Mapping EDS Solutions

You can get data from different Data Objects and create data mapping to customize your extract.

The following figure is an example of a data mapping of an EDS Interface solution.

EDS Interface Solution Example