XSD Revision 322

XSD Revision 322

January 2019 EagleML Release

Added to the schema:

1. eagleml-user-2-0.xsd: the new object iamJournal and complex type IAMJournal (based on UserObject complex type) have been added to the schema with the group IAMJournal.model
2. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the group IAMJournal.model has been added to the schema with the following groups and elements:
     UserId.model group
     UserFullName.model group
     UserGroupCode.model group
     GroupId.model group
     GroupName.model group
     ItemId.model group
     ItemName.model group
3. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the complex type Operation has been added to the schema with the following elements:
     operationDetail of complex type OperationDetail
4. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the complex type OperationDetail has been added to the schema with the following groups and elements:
     ItemId.model group
     ItemName.model group
     JournalTransactionNumber.model group
     UpdateSource.model group
     UpdateTimestamp.model group
     Instance.model group
7. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the group UserFullName.model has been added to the schema with the element userFullName
8. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the group UserGroupCode.model has been added to the schema with the element groupCode
9. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the group GroupId.model has been added to the schema with the element groupId
10. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the group GroupName.model has been added to the schema with the element groupName
11. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the group ItemId.model has been added to the schema with the element itemId
12. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the group ItemName.model has been added to the schema with the element itemName
13. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the group JournalTransactionNumber.model has been added to the GroupIdentifiers.model group
14. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: the enumeration value 'IAMJournal' has been added to the ObjectTypeEnum simple type

Replaced in the schema:
1. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the element groupCode has been replaced by created UserGroupCode.model group in the GroupIdentifiers.model group
2. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the element groupId has been replaced by created GroupId.model group in the GroupIdentifiers.model group
3. eagleml-user-shared-2-0.xsd: the element groupName has been replaced by created UserFullName.model group in the GroupName.model group

Renamed in the schema:
1. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: the element aggregareFees has been renamed to aggregateFees in the EntitySecurityLending.model group

View the zipped version of the XSD