XSD Revision 253

Added to the schema:

1. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: the new object warehouseDisclosureStatus with complex type WarehouseDisclosureStatus have been added to the schema, the following groups are contained in the WarehouseDisclosureStatus complex type (type is based on WarehouseXObject complex type):

  • ProcedureMode.model
  • EffectiveDate.model
  • WarehouseEntityIds.model
  • AssetIdentifiers.model
  • ExtendedAssetProperties.model
  • WarehouseDisclosureStatus.model

2. eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd: the group WarehouseDisclosureStatus.model has been added to the schema with the following group and element:

  • LongShortIndicator.model group
  • disclosureFlag element

3. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: enumeration value 'WarehouseDisclosureStatus' has been added to the ObjectTypeEnum simple type
4. eagleml-ref-shared-2-0.xsd: the group RatingEffectiveDate.model has been added to the schema with the element ratingEffectiveDate
5. eagleml-ref-shared-2-0.xsd: the group RatingSourceName.model has been added to the schema with the element ratingSourceName
6. eagleml-ref-shared-2-0.xsd: the group AlphaAndNumericRating.model has been added to the schema with the following elements:

  • alphaRating
  • numericalRating

7. eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd: the following elements have been added to the EntityProperties.model group:

  • entityMasterFund element
  • NavRounding.model group
  • NumberOfNavDigits.model group
  • LegalId.model group

8. eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd: the group LegalId.model has been added to the schema with the element legalId
9. eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd: the group NavRounding.model has been added to the schema with the element navRounding
10. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: the element curveAnalytics of complex type CurveAnalytics has been added to the WarehousePerformance complex type
11. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: the element extendedRatingModel of complex type ExtendedRatingModel has been added to the following complex types:

  • WarehousePosition
  • WarehouseLotObject

12. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: the complex type ExtendedRatingModel has been added to the schema with the following groups:

  • AlphaAndNumericRating.model
  • RatingEffectiveDate.model
  • RatingSourceName.model

13. eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd: the complex type CurveAnalytics has been added to the schema with the group CurveAnalytics.model
14. eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd: the group CurveAnalytics.model has been added to the schema with the following elements:

  • dv01Mnth1Base
  • dv01Mnth1Local
  • dv01Mnth3Base
  • dv01Mnth3Local
  • dv01Mnth6Base
  • dv01Mnth6Local
  • dv01Yr1Base
  • dv01Yr1Local
  • dv01Yr2Base
  • dv01Yr2Local
  • dv01Yr3Base
  • dv01Yr3Local
  • dv01Yr5Base
  • dv01Yr5Local
  • dv01Yr7Base
  • dv01Yr7Local
  • dv01Yr10Base
  • dv01Yr10Base
  • dv01Yr20Base
  • dv01Yr20Local
  • dv01Yr30Base
  • dv01Yr30Local
  • dv100Mnth1Base
  • dv100Mnth1Local
  • dv100Mnth3Base
  • dv100Mnth3Local
  • dv100Mnth6Base
  • dv100Mnth6Local
  • dv100Yr1Base
  • dv100Yr1Local
  • dv100Yr2Base
  • dv100Yr2Local
  • dv100Yr3Base
  • dv100Yr3Local
  • dv100Yr5Base
  • dv100Yr5Local
  • dv100Yr7Base
  • dv100Yr7Local
  • dv100Yr10Base
  • dv100Yr10Local
  • dv100Yr20Base
  • dv100Yr20Local
  • dv100Yr30Base
  • dv100Yr30Local
  • sdv01Mnth1Base
  • sdv01Mnth1Local
  • sdv01Mnth3Base
  • sdv01Mnth3Local
  • sdv01Mnth6Base
  • sdv01Mnth6Local
  • sdv01Yr1Base
  • sdv01Yr1Local
  • sdv01Yr2Base
  • sdv01Yr2Local
  • sdv01Yr3Base
  • sdv01Yr3Local
  • sdv01Yr5Base
  • sdv01Yr5Local
  • sdv01Yr7Base
  • sdv01Yr7Local
  • sdv01Yr10Base
  • sdv01Yr10Local
  • sdv01Yr20Base
  • sdv01Yr20Local
  • sdv01Yr30Base
  • sdv01Yr30Local
  • userFloat1
  • userFloat2
  • userFloat3
  • userFloat4
  • userFloat5
  • userFloat6
  • userFloat7
  • userFloat8
  • userFloat9
  • userFloat10

Replaced in the schema:
1. eagleml-ref-shared-2-0.xsd: the elements alphaRating and numericalRating have been replaced by AlphaAndNumericRating.model group (contains alphaRating and numericalRating) in the CommonRating1.model group
2. eagleml-issuer-2-0.xsd: the element ratingEffectiveDate has been replaced by created RatingEffectiveDate.model group (contains ratingEffectiveDate) in the RatingModel complex type
3. eagleml-issuer-2-0.xsd: the element ratingSourceName has been replaced by created RatingSourceName.model group (contains ratingSourceName) in the RatingModel complex type
4. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: the element navRounding has been replaced by created NavRounding.model group (contains navRounding) in the EntityBase.model group
5. eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd: the element legalId has been replaced by created LegalId.model group (contains legalId) in the LegalEntityId.model group

Elements annotations have been updated. 

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