XSD Revision 349
March 2020 EagleML Release
Added to the schema:
1. eagleml-entity-2-0.xsd: the following elements have been added to the GenericEntity complex type:
2. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: the following elements have been added to the StarAcct.model group:
3. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: the following elements have been added to the EntityAccountingBasis.model group:
4. eagleml-sec-shared-2-0.xsd: the following elements have been added to the Derivatives.model group:
5. eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd: the group EffectiveDuration.model has been added to the schema with the element effectiveDuration
6. eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd: the group NominalYield.model has been added to the schema with the element nominalYield
Renamed in the schema:
1. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: the element nomWal has been renamed to nominalWeightedAverageLife in the SectorAnalytics complex type
2. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: the element nomYieldContribution has been renamed to nominalYieldContribution in the SectorAnalytics complex type
3. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: the element nomDur has been renamed to nominalVolatilityDuration in the SectorAnalytics complex type
4. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: the element pctNav has been renamed to percentNav in the SectorAnalytics complex type
5. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: the element pctOadContribution has been renamed to percentOadContribution in the SectorAnalytics complex type
Replaced in the schema:
1. eagleml-ref-shared-2-0.xsd: the element effectiveDuration has been replaced by the group EffectiveDuration.model in the IssueAnalytic.model group
2. eagleml-ref-shared-2-0.xsd: the element nominalYield has been replaced by the group NominalYield.model in the IssueAnalytic.model group
3. eagleml-sec-shared-2-0.xsd: the element nominalYield has been replaced by the group NominalYield.model in the CommonSMF.model group
4. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: the element nomYield has been replaced by the group NominalYield.model in the SectorAnalytics complex type
5. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: the element effectiveDuration has been replaced by the group EffectiveDuration.model in the SectorAnalytics complex type
Element annotations have been updated.