Assign LinkIds

Assign LinkIds

Sometimes you wantĀ use different delivery methods between your local and remote environments. This can be implemented with the help of LinkIdĀ parameter, which links unique number aliases for your environments and allows to switch between them by a single task parameter in the RTR.

First of all, edit the configĀ file.

<CODE> IF :param_SpokeSID: = 'SPOKE_SID_1' THEN Ā [ IF :LinkId: = '1' THEN Ā [ Delivery Method and Destination Credentials 1 ]; IF :LinkId: = '2' THEN Ā [ Delivery Method and Destination Credentials 2 ]; ]; IF :param_SpokeSID: = 'SPOKE_SID_2' Ā THEN Ā [ IF : LinkId: = '1' THEN Ā [ Delivery Method and Destination Credentials 1 ]; IF : LinkId: = '2' THEN Ā [ Delivery Method and Destination Credentials 2 ]; ]; </CODE>


<LOOP CONDITION=":param_SpokeSID: = 'QA15R2LN_2'" TYPE="WHILE"> <LOOP CONDITION=":LinkId: = '8891'" TYPE="WHILE"> <COL TAG="w_i2i_delivery_stream" EXPRESSION="'i2i_message_distribution'"/> <COL TAG="w_i2i_web_service_url" EXPRESSION="'https://xxxxxx.eagleinvsys.com:81'"/> <COL TAG="w_i2i_web_service_pass" EXPRESSION="'dimatest'"/> <COL TAG="w_i2i_web_service_user" EXPRESSION="'eagle1'"/> <COL TAG="w_i2i_web_service_retry_count" EXPRESSION="'1'"/> <BREAK CONDITION="1"/> </LOOP> <BREAK CONDITION="1"/> </LOOP>

Now that you have determined the set of parameters for a LinkId, you can use it in the workflow orĀ set in the profile or in the RTR for I2I process.

<taskParameter> <name>LinkId</name> <dataType>S</dataType> <value>2</value> </taskParameter>