I2I Filters

I2I Filters

Xref ID Type Output

The "Xref ID Type Output" option make it possible to include/exclude xref nodes from the final extract file during i2i full or delta processing. Using this option makes it possible to prevent sending Xref identifiers, custom for Spoke1, to Spoke2.

This option is set in Hub env, I2I spokes map file (/eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/i2i_spokes_map.inc) in the context of Spokes. Related variable is :varSpokexrefidtypeoutput:

Values must be set in one of the following formats:

  • ISIN,CUSTOM1 – include only ISIN and CUSTOM1 xref nodes to the extract file (for example, to an SMF extract – of course, if the SMF has xrefids with these xref id types), like:

    […] <isin>TST_ISIN_VALUE</isin> <xrefIdentifiers> <xId1> <xId>TST_CUSTOM1_VALUE</xId> <xIdType>CUSTOM1</xIdType> </xId1> </xrefIdentifiers> […]
  • I(ISIN,CUSTOM1) – include only ISIN and CUSTOM1 xref nodes to the extract file (for example, to an SMF extract – this way of setting values matches simple comma-separating "ISIN,CUSTOM1");

  • E(ISIN,CUSTOM1) – exclude particular ISIN and CUSTOM1 xref nodes from the extract file (for example, from an SMF extract). As a result, the extract file will contain all xref identifier nodes, except for ISIN and CUSTOM1;

  • L(%CUSTOM%) – include only xref identifiers with types matching the CUSTOM mask to the extract file (for example, to an SMF extract).
    For example:

    […] <xrefIdentifiers> <xId1> <xId>TST_CUSTOM1_VALUE</xId> <xIdType>CUSTOM1</xIdType> </xId1> <xId2> <xId>TST_CUS_VALUE</xId> <xIdType>CUSTOM2</xIdType> </xId2> </xrefIdentifiers> […]

Example of Xref ID Type Output defined in the I2I spokes map file in Hub:

<CODE> IF :param_SpokeSID: = 'QA1312LN' THEN [ :varSpokeDeliveryMethod: := 'FTP'; :varSpokeFTPURL: := ''; :varSpokeFTPUser: := '*****'; :varSpokeFTPPass: := '*****'; :varSpokeEnitityList: := 'RTPLIST'; :varSpokexrefidtypeoutput: := 'E(CUSTOM1,CUSTOM2)'; :varSpokeDeliveryStreamName: := 'i2i_send_to_spoke_QA1312LN'; :varSpokeFTPFolderForExtractFile: := 'CMW/inbound/'; :varSpokeFTPFolderForRemoteTSR: :='CMW/remotereplyQA13LN/'; :varFromFolder: := 'data/msgcenter/cmw/extracts/'; :varToFolder: := 'data/msgcenter/cmw/extracts/'; :varSpokeEnvURL: := 'https://SV13WEB0057.eagleinvsys.com'; :varSpokeEnvLogin: := '******'; :varSpokeEnvPass: := '******'; ]; </CODE>
  • "Xref ID Type Output" option does not affect primary asset Id and primary asset Id type nodes.

  • There may be the case where the i2i full or delta extract process returns from the HUB SMF record without any xref identifiers (except primary asset Id and primary asset Id type) and it is OK, because in Spoke env we may have setting "Use Hub Security Alias as Xref".