Local Extract, Remote Load

Local Extract, Remote Load

Local Extract Settings

FTP and WS delivery methods do not require any streams, just define the following parameters on the local environment:

w_i2i_ftp_url – FTP URLRequired for this delivery method.

w_i2i_ftp_pass – FTP password (it can be encrypted or not). Required if you want data to be loaded on FTP
w_i2i_ftp_encrypted – YES to use encrypted password. NO or NULL if not encrypted. Optional.
w_i2i_ftp_user – FTP user name. Required.
w_i2i_ftp_data_location – Defines the folder to store the archive on FTP. Default value is 'CMW/inbound/'. Optional. 
w_i2i_ftp_reply_location – Required when the workflow is launched remotely (Extract or Load). If you want the TSR to be loaded on FTP.
w_i2i_ftp_control_location – Required when the Workflow is launched locally (Extract or Load). If you want the RTR to be loaded on FTP.

w_i2i_ftp_url = varSpokeFTPURL
w_i2i_ftp_user = varSpokeFTPUser
w_i2i_ftp_pass = varSpokeFTPPass
w_i2i_ftp_reply_location = varSpokeFTPFolderForRemoteTSR
w_i2i_ftp_reply_location = varSpokeFTPFolderForExtractFile

w_i2i_web_service_url - Web Service URL. Required
w_i2i_web_service_pass - WS password. Required
w_i2i_web_service_user - WS user name. Required
w_i2i_web_service_retry_count - WS number of retries (integer number). Optional

If you want to use JMS or MQ, you have to create a separate outbound stream based on the default distribution rule on the local environment:

Create New Message Stream Window - Local Extract JMS Settings
Create New Message Stream Window - Local Extract MQ Settings

Remote Load Settings

For JMS, MQ or FTP you have to create a stream on the base of default control message rule on the remote environment:

WS delivery method requires only some configuration parameters to be set on the remote environment: