EJM Triage - Analyze Undelivered ACK and TSR

EJM Triage - Analyze Undelivered ACK and TSR

You can investigate why TSR and ACK were not received.

To analyze undelivered TSR and ACK:

  1. Access Eagle's Message Center Console.

  2. On the toolbar, click EJM Tasks.

  3. Obtain the RTR Name and Correlation ID of the job and enter it in the Correlation ID field of the query dialog box. Click SEARCH.

  4. Double click the row for the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_task_reporter message stream to review status details.

  5. In the Message Status window, review the information in the Status tab to check for any errors.
    In this example, there was an error while opening the connection to the FTP site and the TSR failed.

  6. If the system did not display a row for the ACK, click File Statistics and search for the time interval when the problem occurred.
    In this example, review the time interval from 12:18 pm to 12:19 pm. The diagram below shows all activity around this time.

  7. Locate the row for the ACK run by looking at the file name which contains the ACK_CorrelationID.

  8. Double click the row to view the message details.

  9. To investigate this issue further, review the mcsrv log and the ftpplugin log.