Pausing/Killing a Workflow or MC Stream
Cancel a Single Stream
For RTR for Cancel Single Stream the following parameters are available:
ActionType = ‘CANCEL’ (required)
StreamName = the name of stream, where cancel steps for single stream will be implemented (required). The exact stream name will be known when the development is complete
CancelStreamName = The name of stream to cancel (required)
CancelMsgStatId = Message Stat Id of stream to cancel (optional). If empty, all running streams with name CancelStreamName will be cancelled.
Cancel a EJM Process
For RTR for Cancel EJM Process the following parameters are available:
ActionType = ‘CANCEL’ (required)
StreamName = the name of stream, where cancel steps for EJM process will be implemented (required). The exact stream name will be known when the development is complete
CancelCorrelationId = Correlation Id of EJM process to cancel (required)
CancelStreams = 1 or skipped (optional). If 1, underlying streams executed under EJM process will be cancelled too.
Cancel an Entire Workflow
For RTR for Cancel Entire Workflow the following parameters are available:
ActionType = ‘CANCEL’ (required)
StreamName = ‘eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_execwkfl’ (required)
CancelWorkflowName = The name of workflow to cancel (required)
CancelCorrelationId = Correlation Id of workflow instance to cancel (optional). If empty, all instances of CancelWorkflowName will be cancelled
CancelEvents = 1 or skipped (optional). If 1, all events for CancelWorkflowName will be cancelled
CancelStreams = 1 or skipped (optional). If 1, underlying streams executed under steps of CancelWorkflowName will be cancelled too.
Cancel a Workflow Substep
Pause a Workflow
For RTR for Pause Workflow the following parameters are available:
ActionType = ‘PAUSE’ (required)
StreamName = ‘eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_execwkfl’ (required)
PauseWorkflowName = The name of workflow to pause (required)
PauseCorrelationId = Correlation Id of workflow instance to pause (optional). If empty, all instances of PauseWorkflowName will be paused.
You can set the following parameters for PAUSE:
RETRY_CHECK_WORKFLOW_PAUSED is w_custom_config parameter to set count of cycle
RetryCheckWorkflowPaused is RTR parameter to set count of cycle
W_PROCESS_TIMEOUT is w_custom_config parameter to set time of waiting of changing Pause Status
ProcessTimeout is RTR parameter to set time of waiting of changing Pause Status
Resume a Workflow
For RTR for Resume Workflow the following parameters are available:
ActionType = ‘RESUME’ (required)
StreamName = ‘eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_execwkfl’ (required)
ResumeWorkflowName = The name of workflow to resume (required)
ResumeCorrelationId = Correlation Id of workflow instance to resume (optional). If empty, all instances of ResumeWorkflowName will be paused.Â