Extract EagleML via Excel - Create the Extract
After you have set up prerequisites in Excel and prepared the extract, you can create the actual extract.
To create the extract:
In the main Excel workbook, click the EXTRACT button.
Click Save to save the new workbook that is created. When you click Save, Cancel, or close this dialog box (equivalent to clicking Cancel), an extract process is launched and the results are saved in the Extract result worksheet of the newly created workbook.
Review the contents of the newly created workbook.
This workbook contains the following worksheets:Extract worksheet contains data for the object type for which the extract is requested, for example, Extract SMF, Extract GenericEntity, etc. This worksheet is a copy of the worksheet in which the EXTRACT button was clicked, with the exception of the Profile section which is moved to a separate worksheet and the EXTRACT button which is renamed to Refresh.
Profile worksheet contains the Profile section from the original worksheet. The state of the checkboxes (checked or unchecked) is saved.
Extract result worksheet contains a table representation of the EagleML extract (one row = one EagleML object), based on the specified values of the extract parameters. The selection of columns is based on fields defined in the Profile section.
To refresh the extract results, click Refresh on the newly created Extract worksheet to launch the extract process based on the extract parameters and on the Profile fields selected in the Profile worksheet. The Extract result worksheet is refreshed.
For example, if you set the maxrows extract parameter in the Extract worksheet to 2 and click Refresh, you see the following results in the Extract result worksheet: