Extract EagleML via Excel - Prepare the Extract

Extract EagleML via Excel - Prepare the Extract

After you have set up prerequisites in Excel, you can prepare the actual extract.

To prepare the extract:

  1. In Excel, open the main Excel workbook.

  2. To authorize the extract, provide a valid login username and password.

  3. To filter the extracted data, complete the appropriate extract parameters for each supported object type. Use the specified formats or click the field and select from the drop down list.

  4. Under Profile, check each field that should be included in the extract.
    A profile is a set of fields to be included in the extract. If the checkbox next to the field is checked, this field will be included in the extract results, if at least one of the extracted objects contains this field.
    If the field is not checked, the column linked with this field will be removed from the extract results.

  5. Click Unselect all to remove all fields from the extract, click Select all to include all fields in the extract.

  6. Select the object type by clicking the appropriate bottom tab. For example, click the Extract SMF tab.

  7. Proceed to the steps for creating the extract.