About the EagleML Web Service Call Back Functionality

About the EagleML Web Service Call Back Functionality

This feature implements sending status messages (TSRs) for an activated task to a Web Service or URL specified.

See also an example of RTR using Web Services Call Back and the most common use cases.

Available only for tasks executed in asynchronous mode.

Configuring the EJM

To use callback functionality you should create an adapter - a variable in Message Center, containing basic parameters required to perform the callback (e.g., URL and authorization details).

Currently supported only by the Web Service callback.

Web Service Adapter Parameters

Parameters, available for the WS adapter (you can also use variables to specify all these parameters). 

  • url – Web Service URL;

  • user and password  – Web Service authorization;

  • soapaction – when this parameter is specified, the answer is wrapped in an <envelope> ;

  • soapheader – this parameter describes the header of the SOAP message;

  • cert – path to certificate file;

  • certpass – password for certificate;

  • key – if the certificate file does not contain a private key, the path to private key file (the file should be in PEM format);

  • certtype - certificate type (valid values: PEM, DER and ENG);

Web Service Adapter Configuration

The following convention is used for adapter names: wa_[name].

For example, wa_myWS.

​Adding an Adapter in MC

  1. First of all, open the /eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/w_config_custom.inc file in MCE:

  2. Make up a name for the adapter (wa_myWS) and add the following variable in w_config_custom.inc :

    <COL TAG="wa_myWS" EXPRESSION="''"/>

    Every parameter and its value should be described in one row:


  3. For example, for the Web Service with URL http://myhost.com/callmyws and login/pass = testuser/123456 the adapter would look like this:​

    <COL TAG="wa_myWS" EXPRESSION="'url;http://myhost.com/callmyws!user;testuser!password;12345!'"/>
  4. Adding an adapter to the list of available adapters:

    Find or create new (if this is done for the first time) definition of the waList variable:

    <COL TAG="waList" EXPRESSION="''"/>

    Any adapter can be linked with several aliases. The aliases are used in the RTR file to define the Callback function (see more info on RTR message generation). You can use the Web Service URL or some name as an alias.

    EJM resolves the adapter by the alias and sends a status message to the Web Service specified.

    The alias value and the adapter name should be added to the waList variable expression according to the model:


    Let us use the URL as an alias for our sample adapter wa_myWS:


    The waList variable form:

    Let us add one more alias for  wa_myWS adapter, myCallbackWebService. This changes the waList variable form to: