Configure the EagleML Web Service

Configure the EagleML Web Service

Exactly how to configure EagleML Web Services depends on your environment: 

Environments That Do Not Have Ping

Many Eagle regions do not have SSO Ping authentication. To use WebServices  in these regions, any Eagle User account can be used.

A WS call to :host:/EagleMLWebService20 using the Eagle account info (user/password) only as authorization parameter can be made to pass the MC starsecurity plugin to reach EagleMLWebService.

Environments with Ping 

Some Eagle regions have SSO Ping authentication set. To use Web Services  in these regions, you should be configured as a LDAP user (it is necessary to use Web Services) and logged into SSO Ping.

To log into SSO Ping, make the following requests:

  1. Make a Get request to the region main page (e.g. https://regionname.eagleaccess.com/ (further :host:)).
    This request is redirected to the PingServer (further :pinghost:) and returns as a response filled Ping submit form with SAMLRequest parameters.

  2. Make a Post request with the Ping form from the previous request to :pinghost:/idp/SSO.saml2.
    This request returns a Ping authorization form. The authorization form contains the action attribute (e.g.: /idp/mKkbz/resumeSAML20/) used as a url in the next request and two fields containing login and password.

  3. Fill the login and password input fields using the LDAP account info and a Post request with a filled Ping authorization form should be sent to :pinghost:/idp/mKkbz/resumeSAML20/.
    This request returns filled Ping submit form with SAMLResponse parameters.

  4. Make a Post request with the Ping form from the previous request to :pinghost:/sp/ACS.saml2.
    The response will contain a PingTokenID in the setCookies parameter.

Once logging into Ping is successful and the PingTokenId is received, making a Web Service call to host:/EagleMLWebService20 is possible. The PingTokenId in cookies is used to pass Ping and the LDAP account info (user/password) is used as authorization parameter to pass the MC starsecurity plugin to reach EagleMLWebService.

Environments with Ping, but Configured to Not Check Ping with EagleML Web Service

Some Eagle regions have SSO Ping authentication set, but are configured not to check Ping authentication during EagleML Web Service calls.

To use Web Services in these regions, any Eagle User account can be used and it is not necessary to logon into Ping.

Thus a Web Service call to :host:/EagleMLWebService20 using Eagle account info (user/password) only as authorization parameter can be made to pass the MC starsecurity plugin to reach EagleMLWebService.