EagleML Web Service - Call Back Adapter Use Cases

EagleML Web Service - Call Back Adapter Use Cases

The use cases below include:

Case 1 - Minimum of Additional Parameters

Scenario:  You have a Web Service and you want to send TSRs to it.

URL: http://somehost.com/callmyws

user: testuser

password: 123456

Adapter settings (w_config_custom.inc)

<COL TAG="wa_myWS" EXPRESSION="'url;http://somehost.com/callmyws!user;testuser!password;12345!'"/>

Adapter on the list (w_config_custom.inc)

<COL TAG="waList" EXPRESSION="'https://somehost.com/callmyws;wa_myWS!'"/>

Case 2 - Using Password Encryption

Scenario: You have a Web Service and you want to send TSRs to it.

URL: http://somehost2.com/callmyws

user: testuser2

password: 1234567

You want to encrypt your password for security reasons.

Create a variable to store the password within the include file and encrypt it:

<COL TAG="mypassword" EXPRESSION="'base64aes~sm3SNpRbjUcXfEOCFmuCFlEa8dqRGg=='" ENCRYPTED="YES"/>

The password and its value is set in the adapter by the following construction:


Adapter settings (w_config_custom.inc)

Adapter on the list (w_config_custom.inc)

Case 3 - SOAP Web Service

Scenario: You have a SOAP Web Service and you want to send TSRs to it.

URL: http://somehost3.com/callmyws

user: testuser3

password: 1234569

soapaction = /ws/callback

soapheader =

Put the SOAP header into a separate variable:

Adapter settings (w_config_custom.inc)

Adapter on the list (w_config_custom.inc)

Case 4 - Several Web Services

Scenario: You have two Web Services and you want to send TSRs to both.

URL: http://somehost.com/callmyws

user: testuser

password: 123456


URL: http://somehost4:/callmyws

user: testuser4

password: 1234569

soapaction = /ws/callback

Settings (w_config_custom.inc)

Adapters on the list (w_config_custom.inc)

Case 5 - SOAP Web Service with Callback (Uses EA Certificate)

URL: http://somehost.com/callmyws

user: testuser

password: 12345

cert: ./certpath.pem

certpass: 67891

key: ./keypath.pem