Delete Target and Offset Accounts
In Ledger Item Editor's My Transfers view, you can delete the target and offset account for a transfer category within a ledger transfer profile using the Delete Target and Offset Values option. The Delete Target and Offset Values option allows you to delete a Transfer Category/Target Account/Offset Account row in the left grid in the ledger transfer profile you are editing. This option also removes any source accounts related to that entry.
To delete the target and offset account for a transfer category:
In Ledger Item Editor's My Transfers view, review the ledger transfer profile that you are editing.
The left grid shows each transfer category for the target account to which you are transferring the ledger balances, along with the offset account. The right grid shows the source accounts to close out at year end for the selected transfer category/target account row.In the left grid, click the row of the Transfer Category/Target Account/Offset Account entry that you want to delete.
You see the related source accounts in the right grid.On the Ledger Item Editor tab, in the Target and Offset group, click Delete Target and Offset Values.
You see a Confirmation box that confirms whether you want to delete target, offset, and all transfer items.Click Yes.
The left grid no longer shows the Transfer Category/Target Account/Offset Account entry that you deleted.Continue to edit the ledger transfer profile.