Set Up Entities for a Chart of Accounts

Set Up Entities for a Chart of Accounts

After you set up a custom Chart of Account (COA), you can associate it with the entities, master funds, and/or accounting bases that use it. 

To set up entities/bases for use with a custom COA:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter the panel name to add or change a basic accounting entity, master fund, or accounting basis in the Start Search text box.
    You can specify accounting basis level options related to the Chart of Account using the Create/Edit Entity panel, Create Master Fund panel, Edit Master Fund/Sector panel, Add Basis to a Portfolio panel, and Edit a Basis on a Portfolio panel. These panels are available in Portfolio Data Center and in Accounting Center. 

  3. Click the link to access the panel.

  4. In the Chart of Account field (tag 1641), specify the entity's chart of account to use in ledger reporting for the accounting basis.
    The system is installed with a core chart of accounts that contains more than 400 account numbers and descriptions. Custom chart of accounts are also available for each of the IFRS regulatory categories. You must select a value for this field even if you are not using the general ledger. The default field value is STAR. If you edit this value after the entity has holdings, the changes go into effect on the specified Regulatory Category Effective Date field value.

  5. Complete the remaining fields on the panel.
    Other accounting basis-level fields affect also affect ledger processing. For example, the Ledger Processing field indicates whether the entity/accounting basis uses the general ledger. The Postmatrix Type Specifies which ledger posting matrix the entity/accounting basis uses when determining the accounting ledger postings required for a given event. For more information, see Add a Basis to a Portfolio Panel Options for Entities.

  6. Save your changes.