List Fund of Funds Cash Adjustments

In the List Reference Data for Fund of Funds panel, you can view a list of active fund of funds cash adjustments for a top-level fund. You can also view historical information to display all updates to selected fund of funds cash adjustments. 

To list fund of funds cash adjustments:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting > Allocations > List Reference Data for Funds of Funds.
    You see the List Reference Data for Fund of Funds panel.

  2. In the Fund of Fund Query list, click Fund of Fund Cash Adjustments.

  3. In the Query History list, indicate whether you want to view historical information for the fund of funds cash adjustments. 
    Options include: 
    - Yes. Display historical information for the selected cash adjustments, such as the update source and date, along with the fee history event type of I (Insert), D (Delete), or U (Update).
    - No. Do not display historical information for the selected cash adjustments. You see current cash adjustments.

  4. In the Entity ID and Entity Name fields, specify the unique identifier or name of the master fund associated with the fund of funds cash adjustments you are listing.

  5. In the Report Start Date and Report End Date fields, enter the date range for the cash adjustments that you want to view. 

  6. Click Submit.
    You see a list of fund of funds cash adjustments that met your criteria in the Show All tab. The settle amount base (tag 479) column identifies the cash adjustment amount. The cash flow adj b (tag 16602) column identifies the cash flow adjustment amounts associated with top-level entities that use a fund of funds allocation rule based on the Security Level Target with Rebalance fund of funds allocation method. The system can process cash flow adjustment amounts for any miscellaneous cash as part of the second allocation.