Create Fund of Funds Cash Adjustments
In the Create Fund of Funds Cash Adjustment panel, you can create a fund of funds cash adjustment for a top-level fund that uses the fund of funds cash allocation process. You can adjust the cash balance used in the fund of funds cash allocation process. For funds that use the Security Level Target with Rebalance fund of funds allocation method, you can additionally adjust the fund of funds cash flow amount to represent any miscellaneous cash that requires allocation.
To create a fund of funds cash adjustment:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Fund Accounting > Fund of Funds > Create Fund of Funds Cash Adjustment.
You see the Create Fund of Funds Cash Adjustment panel.In the Entity ID and Entity Name fields, specify the unique identifier or name of the master fund, or top-level fund.
You must select a master fund with a fund of funds allocation rule assigned in the FOF Allocation Rule field at the entity level. The system displays the Valuation Date value for the selected entity.In the Cash Adjustment Amount box, specify the amount that you want to adjust the cash balance.
In the Cash Flow Adjustment Amount box, specify the amount that you want to adjust the cash flow.
This field appears if you select an entity that uses a fund of funds allocation rule based on the Security Level Target with Rebalance fund of funds allocation method. If the fund uses that method, you can adjust the fund of funds cash flow amount. You can either specify a value in the Cash Adjustment Amount field to adjust the cash balance or in the Cash Flow Adjustment Amount field to adjust the cash flow, or you can enter adjustment amounts for both fields.Click Submit.