Post Estimated Reinvestment

Post Estimated Reinvestment

In the Post Estimated Reinvestment panel, you can post the estimated reinvestment associated with periodic distributions for a fund. This panel allows you to post the ledger entries for the estimated reinvestment of the distribution that you entered on the Post Periodic Distribution panel. 

The estimated reinvestment process first calculates the current day NAV per share to use for the estimated reinvestment transaction price. It creates two loopbacks. The first loopback posts the estimated reinvestment transaction for the processing date. The other loopback posts a reversal of the estimated reinvestment transaction to the next accounting date. 

If you use the Automated Event Wrapper rather than this panel to post estimated reinvestments, the estimated reinvestment process is located in the Valuation Close event group. The Estimated Dividend Reinvestment process calculates NAV per share during the estimated reinvestment calculation and before the final valuation close NAV calculation. This allows you to process the estimated reinvestment with the most recent valuation close NAV per share.

If you use this panel to manually process estimated reinvestment, you must first enter the estimated reinvestment on the Post Periodic Distribution panel. Also ensure you processed class allocations. Estimated reinvestment transactions never impact current day class allocation ratios.

To post estimated reinvestment for periodic distributions: 

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Distributions > Periodic Distributions Post Estimated Reinvestment.
    You see the Post Estimated Reinvestment panel.

    Post Estimated Reinvestment panel
  2. In the Entity Name and Entity ID fields, select the master fund associated with the periodic distributions for which you are posting estimated reinvestment.

  3. In the Trigger Date field, select the date for the master fund. 

  4. Click Submit.

In the Global Process workspace, you can view the two loopbacks with an Event Type of ADD_DIST_LOG created for the two transactions associated with posted estimated reinvestment.

Global Process - Loopbacks for Post Estimated Reinvestment

In the Shareholder Activity report, you can view the related shareholder activity for the transactions in the Estimated Reinvestments tab. The REINVEST posting is posted for the date the estimated reinvestment process is triggered, while the ESTRVSL posting is posted to the next open accounting date.

In the Accounting Journal, you can view the related journal entries for the posting.