Run Expense Accruals for Tax Expense Based Expenses
After you set up tax expense based expenses for the fund, you can process the expense accruals using the Run Expense Accruals panel in the Global Process workspace, which you can use to process fixed, variable, and group expenses.
After the daily profit loss calculation completes, you can use the global expense process to calculate and post tax expense based expenses to the fund. The Run Expense Accruals panel allows you to process tax expense based expenses separately from other expenses, after you process the daily profit loss calculation. You can set the Run Expense Accrual panel's NAV Component field to Tax Expense Only to process accruals only for tax expense based expenses. For more information, see Run Expense Accruals.
If you use Automated Event Wrapper schedules, the system automatically calculates tax expense based expenses at Valuation Close. You can use the expense edit test (ETGET) associated with the Valuation Close event to ensure you accrued the tax expense based expenses for the day.